Would Be Quotes

Text Quotes
And if it is grievous to be doomed one day to cease to be, perhaps it would be more grievous still to go on being always oneself, and no more than oneself, without being able to be at the same time other, without being able to be at the same time everything else, without being able to be all (Would Be Quotes)
Happy or unhappy, families are all mysterious. We have only to imagine how differently we would be described - and will be, after our deaths - by each of the family members who believe they know us (Would Be Quotes)
Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future (Would Be Quotes)
I had anger but never hate. Before the war, I was too busy studying to hate. After the war, I thought, What's the use? To hate would be to reduce myself (Would Be Quotes)
Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren't so exciting (Would Be Quotes)
I actually thought that it would be a little confusing during the same period of your life to be in one meeting when you're trying to make money, and then go to another meeting where you're giving it away (Would Be Quotes)
If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented, and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete standstill today. The solution to this is patent exchanges with large companies and patenting as much as we can (Would Be Quotes)
Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren't so irritating (Would Be Quotes)
The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers (Would Be Quotes)
The value or worth of a man is, as of all other things, his price; that is to say, so much as would be given for the use of his power (Would Be Quotes)
If human life were long enough to find the ultimate theory, everything would have been solved by previous generations. Nothing would be left to be discovered (Would Be Quotes)
We shouldn't be surprised that conditions in the universe are suitable for life, but this is not evidence that the universe was designed to allow for life. We could call order by the name of God, but it would be an impersonal God. There's not much personal about the laws of physics (Would Be Quotes)
I think it would be a disaster. The extraterrestrials would probably be far in advance of us. The history of advanced races meeting more primitive people on this planet is not very happy, and they were the same species. I think we should keep our heads low (Would Be Quotes)
The victim should have the right to end his life, if he wants. But I think it would be a great mistake. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope (Would Be Quotes)
One could say: The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary. The universe would be completely self-contained and not affected by anything outside itself. It would neither be created nor destroyed. It would just BE (Would Be Quotes)
If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans. We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet (Would Be Quotes)
If we find the answer [the unified theory], it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for we would know the mind of God (Would Be Quotes)
These days it seems like any idiot with a laptop computer can churn out a business book and make a few bucks. That's certainly what I'm hoping. It would be a real letdown if the trend changed before this masterpiece goes to print (Would Be Quotes)
Every generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality? (Would Be Quotes)
The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved (Would Be Quotes)
It would be a contradiction in terms if the oppressors not only defended but actually implemented a liberating education (Would Be Quotes)
Be able to meet any deadline, even if your work is done less well than it would be if you had all the time you would have preferred (Would Be Quotes)
Woman, self-centred, would never be absorbed by any relation it would be only an experience to her as to man. It is a vulgar error that love, a love, to woman is her whole existence; she also is born for truth and love in their universal energy (Would Be Quotes)
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning (Would Be Quotes)
I think it would be interesting if old people got anti-alzheimer's disease where they slowly began to recover other people's lost memories (Would Be Quotes)
If we were to live here always, with no other care than how to feed, clothe, and house ourselves, life would be a very sorry business. It is immeasurably heightened by the solemnity of death (Would Be Quotes)
I was motivated by just thinking that if you had all this external success that everyone would love you and everything would be peaceful and wonderful (Would Be Quotes)
Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side (Would Be Quotes)
My advice to a young man seeking deathless fame would be to espouse an unpopular cause and devote his life to it (Would Be Quotes)
The most intellectual of men are moved quite as much by the circumstances which they are used to as by their own will. The active voluntary part of a man is very small, and if it were not economised by a sleepy kind of habit, its results would be null (Would Be Quotes)