Would Be Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe that the place where an animal dies is a sacred one. There is a need to bring ritual into the conventional slaughter plants and use as a means to shape people’s behavior. It would help prevent people from becoming numbed, callous, or cruel. The ritual could be something very simple, such as a moment of silence. In addition to developing better designs and making equipment to insure the humane treatments of all animals, that would be my contribution (Would Be Quotes)
Manga is a very entertaining cultural form, made of many totally different genres. Don’t restrict yourself with a single style of manga. I would be delighted to be your springboard, but try to read as much as you can in order to branch out! (Would Be Quotes)
Auschwitz is outside of us, but it is all around us, in the air. The plague has died away, but the infection still lingers and it would be foolish to deny it. Rejection of human solidarity, obtuse and cynical indifference to the suffering of others, abdication of the intellect and of moral sense to the principle of authority, and above all, at the root of everything, a sweeping tide of cowardice, a colossal cowardice which masks itself as warring virtue, love of country and faith in an idea (Would Be Quotes)
Without difficulties, life would be like a stream without rocks and curves – about as interesting as concrete. Without problems, there can be no personal growth, no group achievement, no progress of humanity. But what mattes about problems is what one does with them (Would Be Quotes)
One never took the time to savour the details; one said: another day, but always with the hidden knowledge that each day was unique and fatal, that there never would be a return, another time (Would Be Quotes)
It would be easy to become a victim of our circumstances and continue feeling sad, scared or angry; or instead, we could choose to deal with injustice humanely and break the chains of negative thoughts and energies, and not let ourselves sink into it (Would Be Quotes)
I could be compassionate, if I wanted. Metias would be merciful. But I was never as good a person as my brother (Would Be Quotes)
Everyone has something to hide. And if they couldn’t hide it the world would be in a lot worse mess than it is (Would Be Quotes)
Three films a day, three books a week and records of great music would be enough to make me happy to the day I die (Would Be Quotes)
Isolation offered its own form of companionship: the reliable silence of her rooms, the steadfast tranquility of the evenings. The promise that she would find things where she put them, that there would be no interruption, no surprise. It greeted her at the end of each day and lay still with her at night (Would Be Quotes)
A childhood without books – that would be no childhood. That would be like being shut out from the enchanted place where you can go and find the rarest kind of joy (Would Be Quotes)
My heart’s been torn wide open, just like I feared it would be, and I have no willpower to close it back up (Would Be Quotes)
No matter how successful I become as a playwright, my mother would be thrilled to hear me tell her that I’d just lost twenty pounds, gotten married and become a lawyer (Would Be Quotes)
To have arrived on this earth as a product of a biological accident, only to depart through human arrogance, would be the ultimate irony (Would Be Quotes)
How can the unknown merit reverence? In other words how can you revere that of which you are ignorant? At the same time, it would be ridiculous to propose that what we know merits reverence. What we know merits any one of a number of things, but it stands to reason reverence isn’t one of them. In other words, apart from the known and the unknown, what else is there? (Would Be Quotes)
In many shamanic societies, people who complain of being disheartened... or depressed would be asked,... When did you stop dancing?... This is because dancing is a universal healing salve (Would Be Quotes)
None of the characters I’ve played are really like me. That would be boring. It wouldn’t be acting (Would Be Quotes)
Believe that if you make courageous choices and bet on yourself and put yourself out there, that you will have an impact, as a result of what you do. And you don’t need to know now what that would be or how will it happen because no one ever does (Would Be Quotes)
While most students were trying to draw one beautiful finished piece, I would be in the background drawing dozens of studies at different angles to use later (Would Be Quotes)
If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid (Would Be Quotes)
As a ballplayer, I would be delighted to do it again. As an individual, I doubt if I could possibly go through it again (Would Be Quotes)
If you gave me several million years, there would be nothing that did not grow in beauty if it were surrounded by water (Would Be Quotes)
If there were a prerequisite for the future successful digital creative, it would be the passion for discovery (Would Be Quotes)
We don’t really have the ability to enforce the law with respect to illegal work in this country in a way that’s truly effective... We haven’t been able to require every employer to enter a system in which they check the work status of their employees and determine whether they’re legal, and without that, we don’t really have the ability to enforce the law with respect to illegal work in this country in a way that’s truly effective. And that would be the single greatest additional weapon we could use if we’re serious about tackling this problem (Would Be Quotes)
We used to think that energy and water would be the critical issues for the next century. Now we think water will be the critical issue (Would Be Quotes)
War over water would be an ultimate obscenity. And yet, unfortunately it is conceivable... Water has been a source over so many years of erosion of confidence, of tension, of human rights abuses, really, of so many in areas whose traditional water supplies have been controlled and depleted by occupational authorities. That must stop if we’re going to be able to develop a climate for peace (Would Be Quotes)
It would not lessen the shock and concern, but it would be something concrete in addition to the apologies (Would Be Quotes)
When a man is to travel into a far country... one staff in his hand may comfortably support him, but a bundle of staves would be troublesome. Thus a competency of these outward things may happily help us in the way to heaven, whereas abundance may be hurtful (Would Be Quotes)
Every river appears to consist of a main trunk, fed from a variety of branches, each running in a valley proportional to its size, and all of them together forming a system of vallies, communicating with one another, and having such a nice adjustment of their declivities that none of them join the principal valley on too high or too low a level; a circumstance which would be infinitely improbable if each of these vallies were not the work of the stream that flows in it (Would Be Quotes)
The mystery of life is certainly the most persistent problem ever placed before the thought of man. There is no doubt that from the time humanity began to think it has occupied itself with the problem of its origin and its future which undoubtedly is the problem of life. The inability of science to solve it is absolute. This would be truly frightening were it not for faith (Would Be Quotes)