Wounds Quotes

Text Quotes
You have to get away from them. You have to get as far away as you can otherwise they’ll kill you with their lives. They don’t know what they do. They are careless with themselves and they take too much for granted. They make their shortcomings your problem. The only way to keep your head above it and heal your wounds is to crawl away (Wounds Quotes)
She’s really gone, then. The little girl with the back of her shirt sticking out like a duck tail, the one who needed help reaching the dishes, and who begged to see the frosted cakes in the bakery window. Time and tragedy have forced her to grow too quickly, at least for my taste, into a young woman who stitches bleeding wounds and knows our mother can hear only so much (Wounds Quotes)
All of us carry around countless bags of dusty old knickknacks dated from childhood: collected resentments, long list of wounds of greater or lesser significance, glorified memories, absolute certainties that later turn out to be wrong. Humans are emotional pack rats. These bags define us (Wounds Quotes)
Lie beside me. Let me see the division of your pores. Let me see the web of scars made by your family’s claws and you their furniture. Let me see the wounds that they denied. The battle ground of family life that has been your body. Let me see the bruised red lines that signal their encampment. Let me see the routed place where they are gone. Lie beside me and let the seeing be healing. No need to hide. No need for either darkness or light. Let me see you as you are (Wounds Quotes)
A distinction must be made between that writing which enables us to hold on to life even as we are clinging to old hurts and wounds and that writing which offers to us a space where we are able to confront reality in such a way that we live more fully. Such writing is not an anchor that we mistakenly cling to so as not to drown. It is writing that truly rescues, that enables us to reach the shore, to recover (Wounds Quotes)
There’s mistakes that I have made. Some chances I just threw away. Some roads I never should’ve taken. Been some signs I didn’t see. Hearts that I hurt needlessly. Some wounds that I wish I could have one more chance to mend, but it don’t make no difference: The past can’t be rewritten. You get the life you’re given (Wounds Quotes)
Some of us can begin to heal the damage people have done to us by escaping the situation, but some of us need more than that. Tattoos make statements that need to be made. Or hide things that are no one’s business. Your scars are battle wounds, but you don’t see them that way. Yet (Wounds Quotes)
You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people, but until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed. You can bandage the bleeding with food, with alcohol, with drugs, with work, with cigarettes, with sex, but eventually, it will all ooze through and stain your life. You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories, and make peace with them (Wounds Quotes)
One heart is not connected to another through harmony alone. They are, instead, linked deeply through their wounds. Pain linked to pain, fragility to fragility. There is no silence without a cry of grief, no forgiveness without bloodshed, no acceptance without a passage through acute loss. That is what lies at the root of true harmony (Wounds Quotes)
When someone shows you their heart, their past, their wounds, they have entrusted you with the deepest part of themselves. It is the part of themselves that makes them uniquely beautiful. To be trusted in this way is a great honor. Guard that trust with your life (Wounds Quotes)
Like night dreams, stores often use symbolic language, therefore bypassing the ego and persona, and traveling straight to the spirit and soul who listen for the ancient and universal instructions imbedded there. Because of this process, stories can teach, correct errors, lighten the heart and the darkness, provide psychic shelter, assist transformation and heal wounds (Wounds Quotes)
Enlightenment doesn’t mean we were never wounded; it means we’ve found a way to evolve beyond our wounds. Enlightenment isn’t idealistic; it’s practical. What’s idealistic is thinking we can live from our wounds, stay in our weakness, and ever transform the world (Wounds Quotes)
It wounds a man less to confess that he has failed in any pursuit through idleness, neglect, the love of pleasure, etc., etc., which are his own faults, than through incapacity and unfitness, which are the faults of his nature (Wounds Quotes)
He that studieth revenge keepeth his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well (Wounds Quotes)
Rest assured that there is nothing which wounds the heart of a noble man more deeply than the thought his honour is assailed (Wounds Quotes)
Just because we fall and slip up at times, doesn’t mean it should define who we are. We fail. We’re humans. It’s how we heal wounds that count (Wounds Quotes)
Eh! Sire, that is the fate of truth; she is a stern companion; she bristles all over with steel; she wounds those whom she attacks, and sometimes him who speaks her (Wounds Quotes)
Beyond the wounds of the child and the scars of the man, there is something in the heart of love itself that makes love pathetic (Wounds Quotes)
A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well (Wounds Quotes)
We are more sensible of one little touch of a surgeon’s lancet than of twenty wounds with a sword in the heat of fight (Wounds Quotes)
How red the rose that is the soldier’s wound, the wounds of many soldiers, the wounds of all the soldiers that have fallen, red in blood, the soldier of time grown deathless in great size (Wounds Quotes)
Fate never wounds more deep the generous heart than when a blockhead’s insult points the dart (Wounds Quotes)
It is unfortunate for our peace, that unmerited abuse wounds, while unmerited praise has not the power to heal (Wounds Quotes)
When time has assuaged the wounds of the mind, he who unseasonably reminds us of them, opens them afresh (Wounds Quotes)
Love is like fire... Wounds of fire are hard to bear; harder still are those of love (Wounds Quotes)
So much his courage and his mercy strive, he wounds to cure, and conquers to forgive (Wounds Quotes)
A wound will perhaps become tolerable with length of time; but wounds which are raw shudder at the touch of the hands (Wounds Quotes)
By music minds an equal temper know, nor swell too high, nor sink too low... Warriors she fires with animated sounds. Pours balm into the bleeding lover’s wounds (Wounds Quotes)
Woe to falsehood! It affords no relief to the breast, like truth; it gives us no comfort, pains him who forges it, and like an arrow directed by a God flies back and wounds the archer (Wounds Quotes)
How strange that we should ordinarily feel compelled to hide our wounds when we are all wounded (Wounds Quotes)