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Wrigley Quotes

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I believe that if the Tribune company ever tries to close down Wrigley Field that you will have a protest from every corner of the globe  (Wrigley Quotes) I’d never even been to Wrigley Field. I never even enjoyed baseball that much, but I loved being there, the crowd was lovely, and they all sang with me!  (Wrigley Quotes) I learned from Mr. Wrigley, early in my career, that loyalty wins and it creates friendships. I saw it work for him in his business  (Wrigley Quotes) Dear Chicago, when I wake up in the morning and see your skyline - the terra cotta of the Wrigley Building, the height of the Willis Tower, the shiny sides of my beloved Trump Tower - I know I’m home. I feel a certain energy walking between your spires, but recognize that what makes you special to me is that my roots are here  (Wrigley Quotes) When you talk about the American League, you think of Fenway. When you talk about the National League, you think of Wrigley and the fan base that they have in Chicago.  (Wrigley Quotes) I’ve been pretty lucky with neighbors. But back in 1998, I lived, like, literally next door to Wrigley Field in Chicago. And I had, like, 50,000 bad neighbors spread out over the course of one summer. I’m a diehard Cubs fan, but living right next to the ballpark, it’s just - as you’re trying to go to sleep, you can just, like, hear urination.  (Wrigley Quotes) The Cubs gave me a chance to play. They signed me as a free agent and brought me to the Major Leagues. The first day I walked into Wrigley Field was one of the best days of my life. And I owe them an awful lot.  (Wrigley Quotes) Is Coors Field a good park to hit in? Yeah. So are Wrigley Field and Camden Yards. I didn’t design Coors Field-I just play there.  (Wrigley Quotes)