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Write Quotes

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Friendship Quotes Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny Quotes Motivational Quotes Inspirational Quotes
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I can’t write unless I’m overlooking water  (Write Quotes) You have to have been in love to write poetry  (Write Quotes) I really tend to write in retrospect  (Write Quotes) I’d much prefer to write more quickly  (Write Quotes) I read in order to write. I read out of obsession with writing  (Write Quotes) I won’t let people write anything they want to about me  (Write Quotes) Write down the most important things you have to do tomorrow  (Write Quotes) I write in longhand on yellow legal pads  (Write Quotes) Dont imitate. Write what you know about, that has to be your goal  (Write Quotes) I write songs from the heart, and I don’t hold back  (Write Quotes) I could write stories just as rotten  (Write Quotes) When I write, it’s purging for me. It’s a therapeutic process  (Write Quotes) The sad part about happy endings is there’s nothing to write about  (Write Quotes) Never write a letter and never destroy one  (Write Quotes) As for love... no, having once written that word I can write nothing more  (Write Quotes) I don’t write for a living. I live to write  (Write Quotes) When I have it in mind, I write it out  (Write Quotes) If I were to write the story of my life, I would shock the world  (Write Quotes) Mostly, I don’t write overtly personal stuff  (Write Quotes) I like to write my lyrics on clay tablets  (Write Quotes) I just like to write and then perform  (Write Quotes) Im a writer, so whatever gymnastics jump through my head, I write about it  (Write Quotes) I drink coffee. Without coffee, I probably couldnt write  (Write Quotes) I write with my past, about the future, for the present  (Write Quotes) I want to do public speaking and cause campaigning. I want to write a book  (Write Quotes) I do not wear my emotions on my sleeve; I write about them  (Write Quotes) Who often reads, will sometimes wish to write  (Write Quotes) I write with as much objectivity as I can  (Write Quotes) Today I must write a paragraph or a page better than I did yesterday  (Write Quotes) It took me a long time to learn how to write a good song  (Write Quotes)
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