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Write Quotes

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At night, never go to bed without knowing what you’ll write tomorrow  (Write Quotes) To write you must be warm, fed, loved and sober  (Write Quotes) To write is to make oneself the echo of what cannot cease speaking  (Write Quotes) It’s art that’s taught me to think and to write  (Write Quotes) Poetry today is easier to write but harder to remember  (Write Quotes) The book is an unbearable totality. I write against a background of facets  (Write Quotes) No matter what you write or choreograph, you feel it is not enough  (Write Quotes) You have to throw yourself away when you write  (Write Quotes) If writing is your practice, the only way to fail is not to write  (Write Quotes) I write about what I know, what I live, what I observe  (Write Quotes) I only write books about dead people. They can’t sue  (Write Quotes) The second album is the hardest to write. Its nothing like the first album  (Write Quotes) If you don’t like a language, you can go write your own  (Write Quotes) Live the life that people write novels about  (Write Quotes) To choose to write is to reject silence  (Write Quotes) You don’t have to live in a garage to write great poetry  (Write Quotes) Read in order to write, but paint in order to paint  (Write Quotes) I write poems to figure things out  (Write Quotes) Everything I write is about me  (Write Quotes) I have never been one to write by rule, not even by my own rules  (Write Quotes) Dogs with broken legs are shot; men with broken souls write through the night  (Write Quotes) Don’t write anything down, but save everything that anyone else writes down  (Write Quotes) Someone watches over us when we write. Mother. Teacher. Shakespeare. God  (Write Quotes) Little else matters than to write good code  (Write Quotes) I have no desire to write anything for screen. That’s a great talent  (Write Quotes) I write to try to understand, and because I have nothing better to do  (Write Quotes) Everybody can write poetry, just like everybody knows how to make love  (Write Quotes) I want to write a novel so profound that it would suffocate a fly  (Write Quotes) Rise early. Write. Disappoint your sons. Read the newspaper. Go to bed early. Success  (Write Quotes) We do not write what we know; we write what we want to find out  (Write Quotes)
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