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A little love has made me willingly study, preach, write, and even suffer  (Write Quotes) I write at high speed because boredom is bad for my health  (Write Quotes) They write them long because they can’t write them short  (Write Quotes) I play piano and write better than I can sing  (Write Quotes) Everything I write means a lot to me because it is my head on paper  (Write Quotes) We write so many songs, it is difficult to narrow them down  (Write Quotes) I write to find out what I didn’t know I knew  (Write Quotes) It is far easier to travel than to write about it  (Write Quotes) Write even when the world is chaotic  (Write Quotes) Write what makes you laugh not what you think will make someone else laugh  (Write Quotes) I decided that I would write one story about each thing that I knew about  (Write Quotes) Ministers never write or preach so well as when under the cross  (Write Quotes) To write prescriptions is easy, but to come to an understanding with people is hard  (Write Quotes) Write relentlessly, until you find your voice. Then, use it  (Write Quotes) Write something worth reading and your voice will be heard  (Write Quotes) I write constantly about everything  (Write Quotes) When you cast somebody, you write to their strengths  (Write Quotes) I tend to write more when I travel  (Write Quotes) When you write a song, there’s no point keeping it to yourself  (Write Quotes) To write is to descend, to excavate, to go underground  (Write Quotes) People never write calmly but when they write indifferently  (Write Quotes) If I am to write, I must have a room to myself, which shall be my room  (Write Quotes) The longer one doesn’t write, the more difficult it is to communicate  (Write Quotes) Much of the activity we think of as writing is, actually, getting ready to write  (Write Quotes) The peculiar need to write is increased, it seems, rather than allayed with practice  (Write Quotes) When you write you have to reside in the unknown for as long as possible  (Write Quotes) Crassly put: When I write, I am trying not to bore myself and my readers  (Write Quotes) Poets, when they write of love, give themselves and everyone else away!  (Write Quotes) The desire to write a novel is the single required prerequisite for writing a novel  (Write Quotes) Anyone could write a novel given six weeks, pen paper, and no telephone or wife  (Write Quotes)
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