Writer Quotes
Text Quotes
Books are something social - a writer speaking to a reader - so I think making the reading of a book the center of a social event, the meeting of a book club, is a brilliant idea (Writer Quotes)
Any writer will be happy and good only if they know what they're doing and why they're doing it (Writer Quotes)
I'm not a great joke writer, which is odd for a comic to say, but I'm not (Writer Quotes)
A great writer creates a world of his own and his readers are proud to live in it. A lesser writer may entice them in for a moment, but soon he will watch them filing out (Writer Quotes)
The more books we read, the clearer it becomes that the true function of a writer is to produce a masterpiece and that no other task is of any consequence (Writer Quotes)
The shock, for an intelligent writer, of discovering for the first time that there are people younger than himself who think him stupid is severe (Writer Quotes)
The writer does the most good who gives his reader the most knowledge and takes from him the least time (Writer Quotes)
A wise man struggling with adversity is said by some heathen writer to be a spectacle on which the gods might look down with pleasure (Writer Quotes)
The idea of writer as sage is pretty much dead today. I would certainly feel very uncomfortable in the role (Writer Quotes)
I'm a pretty decent writer. It comes easy to me. I don't agonize over sentences. I write like I talk. I try to make them good books (Writer Quotes)
Ours is a precarious language, as every writer knows, in which the merest shadow line often separates affirmation from negation, sense from nonsense, and one sex from the other (Writer Quotes)
The act of writing is either something the writer dreads or actually likes, and I actually like it. Even re-writing's fun. You're getting somewhere, whether it seems to move or not (Writer Quotes)
Every pert young fellow that has a moving fancy, and the least jingle of verse in his head, sets up for a writer of songs, and resolves to immortalize his bottle or his mistress (Writer Quotes)
A writer should have this little voice inside of you saying, Tell the truth. Reveal a few secrets here (Writer Quotes)
I’m very happy with the way I write. I think I do it good. But I’ve never really considered myself a writer (Writer Quotes)
If I really considered myself a writer, I wouldn’t be writing screenplays. I’d be writing novels (Writer Quotes)
If you never look just wrong to your contemporaries you will never look just right to posterity - every writer has to try to be, to some extent, sometimes, a law unto himself (Writer Quotes)
I am, after all, a thriller writer. I routinely delve into the darkest chambers of the human heart. I’ve written about murder, kidnapping, depravity, horror, violence, and disfigurement (Writer Quotes)
You want to be a writer? Start writing. You want to be a filmmaker? Start shooting stuff on your phone right now (Writer Quotes)
I also believe that if you’re really a writer, you’ll write, and that nobody could stop you (Writer Quotes)
If a writer writes poems and short stories and novels, but nobody ever reads them, is she really a writer? (Writer Quotes)
I had no plans to be a writer. My teenaged bid for stardom was to be a pop star... which, ahem, didn’t exactly work out (Writer Quotes)
No writer or teacher or artist can escape the responsibility of influencing others whether he intends to or not, whether he is conscious of it or not (Writer Quotes)
Show me a writer, any writer, who hasn’t suffered and I’ll show you someone who writes in pastels as opposed to primary colors (Writer Quotes)
Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself... It’s a self-exploratory operation that is endless. An exorcism of not necessarily his demon, but of his divine discontent (Writer Quotes)
Writing is a process of self-discipline you must learn before you can call yourself a writer. There are people who write, but I think they’re quite different from people who must write (Writer Quotes)
I worked for half a cent a word. I’m not a fast writer to begin with, so for the first few years I had do other things (Writer Quotes)
I just have this feeling that if it weren’t for the Gloversville Free Library that I probably would not be a writer (Writer Quotes)
An old Spanish writer says, to return evil for good is devilish; to return good for good is human; but to return good for evil is godlike (Writer Quotes)
By his very profession, a serious fiction writer is a vendor of the sensuous particulars of life, a perceiver and handler of things. His most valuable tools are his sense and his memory; what happens in his mind is primarily pictures (Writer Quotes)