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Writer Quotes

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When you’re a writer, you hear your internal critic, and that’s really hard to get over. And then sometimes you hear critiques from classmates and stuff. But when a book comes out, it’s just hundreds of opinions and you have to learn to separate out the ones you want to listen to or figure out many you want to listen to  (Writer Quotes) Most development doesn’t make it to series. So you want the writer and director to have a really good experience with development because, if it doesn’t work out, you want to work with them again. You have to know their work really well, know the drafts really well, and when you give notes, you need to have really thought them through  (Writer Quotes) If novels and stories are bulletins from the progressive states of ignorance a writer passes through over the years, observations and opinions about horses are all the more so, since horses are more mysterious than life and harder to understand  (Writer Quotes) And what you do is you go into where your anger is, if you’re writing anger, you go into where your hatred is, if you’re writing hatred. Your joy is, if you’re writing joy. You find the source of the energy that draws hatred, anger, joy, etc., etc., etc. That’s what you have to find. That’s what you do as an actor and that’s what you do as a writer. And you bring people to the page  (Writer Quotes) The job of the writer is to look at where he is now and make some sort of emotional sense of it, not only for that moment but for years to come  (Writer Quotes) One of my biggest pet peeves is that I just don’t like it when characters do things that are funny to the writer, but you don’t know why they’re doing it and it doesn’t make any sense  (Writer Quotes) I do so much revising as I go along; I wonder how I could write books if I hadn’t grown up in the computer age. I think I’d be a very different writer. I find myself cutting and pasting, changing things around and deleting whole paragraphs constantly  (Writer Quotes) I have always been a singer, a writer, and a musician, not as a prodigy or as in a trade handed to me by my parents, but because of an inner voice or maybe a command from beyond reality as it is usually defined  (Writer Quotes) Are you an artist? Look about you. Is there a physical tool whose use you have mastered, a part of your body that responds utterly to your control? Is your motive esthetic? If so, you are an artist. If not, you are probably a writer  (Writer Quotes) Every sentence has its drumbeat. rhythm is one of the most powerful dimensions of language: it separates tribes, united families, soothes children, and shocks us into new awarenesses. Every good writer, marching to his or her own drumbeat, marks out a vibrational field as home territory. The cadences of our sentences carry echos of ancestry and influence as surely as the double helix that orchstrates the life of the body  (Writer Quotes) It’s very important, at least to me as a writer, that there be some rules on the table when I’m writing. Rules come from genres. You’re writing in a genre, there are rules, which is great because then you can break the rules. That’s when really exciting things happen  (Writer Quotes) What you have to get used to as a writer is realizing that most of what you come up with is wrong for the show  (Writer Quotes) When you’re a writer and you’re a producer, traditionally the junkets are really focused on the beautiful people and nobody wants to talk to you  (Writer Quotes) Truth be told, when you start your career out as a clown, you don’t consider yourself a writer  (Writer Quotes) I have this identity for myself as a writer and the only thing that can happen is that I chip away from it  (Writer Quotes) I’m a lazy writer. My idea of heaven is not writing. On the other hand, I’m obviously compulsive about it  (Writer Quotes) As a writer reading, I came to realize the obvious: the subject of the dream is the dreamer  (Writer Quotes) When people find a man of the most distinguished abilities as a writer their inferior while he is with them, it must be highly gratifying to them  (Writer Quotes) A writer cannot put himself today in service of those who make history; he is at the service of those who suffer it  (Writer Quotes) Any writer worth his salt knows that only a small proportion of literature does nore than partly compensate people for the damage they have suffered in learning to read  (Writer Quotes) When, in the autumn of 1947, I was fired from the first and only job I have ever held, I wanted one thing out of life: to become a writer  (Writer Quotes) Like every writer, I am asked where my work originates, and if I knew I would go there more often to find more  (Writer Quotes) Over a period of time it’s been driven home to me that I’m not going to be the most popular writer in the world, so I’m always happy when anything in any way is accepted  (Writer Quotes) The idea that it is necessary to go to a university in order to become a successful writer... is one of those fantasies that surround authorship  (Writer Quotes) If you can come up with a snappy little slogan, then you have a future in winning tagline competitions or being a political speech writer  (Writer Quotes) Those who perceive in themselves... the artistic vocation as poet, writer, sculptor, painter, musician, and actor feel at the same time an obligation not to waste this talent but to develop it, in order to put it to service of their neighbour and the humanity as a whole  (Writer Quotes) Beauty and truth may be attributes of good writing, but if the writer deliberately aims at truth, he is likely to find that what he has hit is the didactic  (Writer Quotes) Writing: I certainly do rewrite my central myth in every book, and would never read or trust any writer who did not also do so  (Writer Quotes) We have to look at the figures of speech a writer uses, his images and symbols, to realize that underneath all the complexity of human life that uneasy stare at an alien nature is still haunting us, and the problem of surmounting it still with us  (Writer Quotes) Being a writer is a rather hazardous occupation and there is a horribly high rate of writers who barely have the money for the paper and pen they use for their craft  (Writer Quotes)
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