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Writer Quotes

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I’m not only a writer, but have directed and produced, know the difficulties of the line producer, can deal with the studio, can talk with the director and get his or her vision and help exact that. I think it just gives you more tools  (Writer Quotes) The beauty of my work is that my sets cost nothing. That’s what I love about being a writer of novels  (Writer Quotes) Getting the correct writer is simply like casting. You wouldn’t hire an actor in order to tell him how to work. He knows how to work, which is why you hired him  (Writer Quotes) A writer is a performer as well. A writer isn’t the literary department. That gets tried on but nothing’s a script unless a good writer goes away and does his thing alone  (Writer Quotes) An editor is like a professional reader, and as I became a better reader, I also became a better writer  (Writer Quotes) I’m a gastronome first and foremost. I have several bookshelves in my home full of cookbooks, foodie magazines and food writer books and I am always on the hunt for a great recipe or local foodie haunt to try  (Writer Quotes) I had to learn a skill set. I think I had the materials to be a good comedy writer  (Writer Quotes) Basically, I’m a writer. I’m the proprietor of the vision. I alone know what I eventually want to happen on the screen. So if you have a valuable idea, the only way to protect it is to direct it  (Writer Quotes) Writers tend to hate recurring characters; there’s this writer snob thing about it. But I don’t have that. I feel like the challenge is always to find a cool and innovative way to do it and, obviously, to not repeat your jokes  (Writer Quotes) I never did write a biography, and I don’t exactly know how to set about it; you see I have to be accurate and keep to the facts, a most difficult thing for a writer of fiction  (Writer Quotes) I don’t use a typewriter, I write longhand, with a pencil. Essentially I’m a horizontal writer. I think better when I’m lying down  (Writer Quotes) Science fiction is really sociological studies of the future, things that the writer believes are going to happen by putting two and two together  (Writer Quotes) I just knew I would be a writer. It just seemed the only sensible thing to do  (Writer Quotes) Whenever an encounter between a writer of good will and a regular person of good will happens to touch on the subject of writing, each person discovers, dismayed, that good will is of no earthly use. The conversation cannot proceed  (Writer Quotes) The sincerity of feeling that is possible between a writer and a reader is one of the finest things I know  (Writer Quotes) The manuscript may go forth from the writer to return with a faithfulness passing the faithfulness of the boomerang or the homing pigeon  (Writer Quotes) Readers themselves, I think, contribute to a book. They add their own imaginations, and it is as though the writer only gave them something to work on, and they did the rest  (Writer Quotes) People in general are totally unable to detach the personality of a writer from the products of his thinking  (Writer Quotes) I’m widest awake as a writer doing something new, engaged in a process I’m not sure I can finish, generating at the edge of my powers. Some people bungee jump; I write  (Writer Quotes) ... the transaction between a writer and the spirit of the age is one of infinite delicacy, and upon a nice arrangement between the two the whole fortune of his works depend  (Writer Quotes) A writer is hoisted up onto a pedestal only to scrutinize him more closely and conclude that it was a mistake to put him up there in the first place  (Writer Quotes) It’s very important for a writer to be unnoticed, as quiet and unnoticed as possible  (Writer Quotes) It’s probably a form of childish curiosity that keeps me going as a fiction writer. I... want to open everybody’s bureau drawers and see what they keep in there. I’m nosy  (Writer Quotes) If you’re a woman writer, sometime, somewhere, you will be asked: Do you think of yourself as a writer first, or as a woman first? Look out. Whoever asks this hates and fears both writing and women  (Writer Quotes) An audience is pleasant if you have it, it is flattering and flattering is agreeable always, but if you have an audience the being an audience is their business, they are the audience you are the writer, let each attend to their own business  (Writer Quotes) Any writer is inevitably going to work with his own anxieties and desires. If the book is any good it has got to have in it the fire of a personal unconscious mind  (Writer Quotes) Writing was the soul of everything else... Wanting to be a writer was wanting to be a person  (Writer Quotes) Don’t scatter your fire! You are a prose writer: stick to your own tool!  (Writer Quotes) The unit of the poet is the word, the unit of the prose writer is the sentence  (Writer Quotes) Every word calls up far more of a picture than its actual meaning is supposed to do, and the writer has to deal with all these silent associations as well as with the uttered significance  (Writer Quotes)
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