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Writer Quotes

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For both writer and reader, the novel is a lonely, physically inactive affair. Only the imagination races  (Writer Quotes) As soon as you become a writer, you lose contact with ordinary experience or tend to.... the worst fate of a writer is to become a writer  (Writer Quotes) My writer friends, and they are legion, do not go around beaming with quiet feelings of contentment. Most of them go around with haunted, abused, surprised looks on their faces, like lab dogs on whom very personal deodorant sprays have been tested  (Writer Quotes) Sometimes you run out of ideas, just like if you are a writer or whatever. Then you just have to wait around for something to inspire you or look for something to inspire you  (Writer Quotes) If a writer understands his work as something that originates with him but then, with any luck, gets away from him, then what he needs is someone who can grasp the potential of the piece and lead him to that higher ground  (Writer Quotes) I’m always wondering what is the job that gives the writer the most amount of time to write. I still don’t know what the answer is as someone who has taught and is now working at a grocery store  (Writer Quotes) As a poet and writer in general I feel very grateful that I can just make a chapbook and that we don’t have the expenses of filmmakers  (Writer Quotes) I’m not a comedy writer, I’m a comedian, so I only write stuff that I would want to say  (Writer Quotes) I consider that success for anything, whether it’s being a musician or a writer. As long as you can support yourself, you’re successful. People need to change their idea of what success is  (Writer Quotes) I’m not a speed writer. I write slowly and revise obsessively. The end result tends to be good. That’s where my strength is  (Writer Quotes) I’m always looking for opportunities, even when they’re not offered to me. I will have no hesitation to pick up the phone and call a director or call a writer  (Writer Quotes) Most people when they have autobiographies, they’re not autobiographies, they’re biographies written by a ghost writer  (Writer Quotes) It’s not for the writer to say whether the thing is successful or not  (Writer Quotes) A letter is a risky thing; the writer gambles on the reader’s frame of mind  (Writer Quotes) Every writer knows the terror of an unexpected success. How to carry on? How to repeat it?  (Writer Quotes) Any writer who has difficulty in writing is probably not onto his true subject, but wasting time with false, petty goals; as soon as you connect with your true subject you will write  (Writer Quotes) The function of a writer is to make sense of life. It is such a mystery, it changes all the time, like the light  (Writer Quotes) The political writer, then, is the ultimate optimist, believing people are capable of change and using words as one way to try and penetrate the privatism of our lives  (Writer Quotes) I think every creative impulse that a working writer, or artist of any sort has, comes out of that dark old country where dreams come from  (Writer Quotes) ... I used words without precautions. I wanted to disappear into them, I fled into the bovaryism of the writer trying to create an effect  (Writer Quotes) A writer’s business is minding other people’s business... all the vices of the village gossip are the virtues of the writer  (Writer Quotes) We don’t often talk about the fact that writing is all about rhythm. When you get too up in your head, you can lose a lot of your writing. Sometimes what a writer really needs to do is go dancing  (Writer Quotes) A writer needs certain conditions in which to work and create art. She needs a piece of time; a peace of mind; a quiet place; and a private life  (Writer Quotes) It has no meaning, what do you use to write, the only thing that is important is: what do you write. A machine to write a book instead of a writer is not invented yet, and probably will never be  (Writer Quotes) In addition to comedy, I’m a writer. I write checks. They’re not very good  (Writer Quotes) The tricky thing about being a writer, or about being any kind of artist, is that in addition to making art you also have to make a living  (Writer Quotes) Ask a writer what he thinks about critics and the answer you get is similar to what you get when you ask a lamppost how he feels about dogs  (Writer Quotes) I didn’t become a good writer until I learned how to rewrite. And I don’t just mean fixing spelling and adding a comma. I rewrite each of my books five or six times, and each time I change huge portions of the story  (Writer Quotes) Even when I cannot write, I know I am still a writer, just the way I know I am still sexual even if I have not had a lover for many months  (Writer Quotes) My experience as a fiction writer tells me that the deeper I look into myself, the more universal is the experience I find there  (Writer Quotes)
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