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Writer Quotes

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If you’re a writer there will come at least one morning in your life when you wake up and want to kill your agent  (Writer Quotes) A scientist or a writer is one who ruminates continuously on the nature of physical or imaginative life, experiences repeated relief and excitement when the insight comes, and is endlessly attracted to working out the idea  (Writer Quotes) There’s less skill and more plain hard work to writing than anyone except a writer thinks  (Writer Quotes) It often seems to me that the biggest single issue for a writer is how to stay buoyant enough to go on writing. How not to drown  (Writer Quotes) The secret of being a writer: not to expect others to value what you’ve done as you value it. Not to expect anyone else to perceive in it the emotions you have invested in it. Once this is understood, all will be well  (Writer Quotes) I’ve just always written, and always considered myself a writer. I wrote my first story when I was five. There was nothing else I wanted to do or be  (Writer Quotes) I resist thinking of myself as a teacher. I think of myself as a writer who has pulled a fast one and hoodwinked this institution into giving me a job and health insurance  (Writer Quotes) I always knew that I wanted to be a writer. I think I was six or seven when I learned how to read, and I still remember it  (Writer Quotes) I am a writer, I deal in words. There is no word that should stay in word jail, every word is completely free. There is no word that is worse than another word. It’s all language, it’s all communication  (Writer Quotes) I do not understand why any poet or writer would run for office; that’s a different sense of who you are. I’m just a poet. I am as truthful as I can be. That makes me an artist. I heed the people; I do not lead the people  (Writer Quotes) When you’re a working writer, sooner or later friends and acquaintances will get you alone and confide that they, too, have a book in them  (Writer Quotes) You are a writer when you tell yourself you are. No one else’s opinion matters. Screw them. You are when you say you are  (Writer Quotes) I think the trick of being a writer is to basically put your cards out there all the time and be willing to be as in the dark about what happens next as your reader would be at that time  (Writer Quotes) I always wanted to be a writer since I was around 12 years old and I wrote my first book  (Writer Quotes) For me my big dream that I would like to achieve is for each book to be better than the books that came before, to continue to improve and to become better as a writer and hopefully to have a long career  (Writer Quotes) Writing is alone, but I don’t think it’s lonely. Ask any writer if they feel lonely when they’re writing their book, and I think they’ll say no  (Writer Quotes) Fiction is truth. I think fiction is the truest thing there ever was. My whole effort is to remove that distinction. The writer is the midwife of understanding. It’s very important for me to tell politics like a story, to make it real  (Writer Quotes) I am an artist and a writer, and I do think that one always places oneself in the picture to see where one fits  (Writer Quotes) I guess a witness is all I am. I think as a writer, you’re pretty removed. Writing is a very selfish, individualistic pursuit. So in that sense I’m a witness because I’m not participating  (Writer Quotes) If you just want to be a writer, I don’t care, for pitching, for writing dialogue, you should take an improvisation class. It’s super important  (Writer Quotes) There is no greater fraud or bore than the writer who has acquired the art of saying nothing brilliantly  (Writer Quotes) Two bones fell down my chimney and into the bedroom this morning. Hysterical thing to happen to a thriller writer. Murderous ravens perhaps?  (Writer Quotes) Here’s one more from my limited experience with all 3 fields: A writer creates life; a poet creates magic from life; a philosopher tries to understand life  (Writer Quotes) From being a writer of plays, it was not that surprising that somebody thought of giving me a job as an actor. After I played one part, others came along  (Writer Quotes) I would want to travel the world and write about it. To be a famous writer  (Writer Quotes) If any writer thinks the world is full of middle class people of nice sensibilities, then he is out of his mind  (Writer Quotes) Writing is as big a part of my career as acting is, financially and time wise. So, yeah, I love it. That’s all I wanted to do since I was young was be a writer. So that and acting are the two most important aspects of my career  (Writer Quotes) I feel very lucky and privileged to be a writer. I feel lucky in the sense that I can branch out into prose and tell different kinds of stories and stuff. But being a writer is so great because you’re literally not dependent on anybody  (Writer Quotes) I think writing is such a great talent, and if I was better, I would love to be a writer  (Writer Quotes) Fictional characters exist in only two places, neither of which is on the printed page. They exist, first, in the mind of the writer and, second, in the mind of the reader  (Writer Quotes)
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