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Writer Quotes

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I have never pretended to be a great writer. I am totally immodest about being a great reporter and a good news writer. I write fast and I write accurately, nearly as accurately as anybody can be, and that’s my skill  (Writer Quotes) Whatever a writer gets paid for his book, it’s never enough. I think that’s true. It’s hard work. But in the end, you wrote a book. It’s something real and tangible that sits on a shelf forever  (Writer Quotes) As a writer, I play with words all day long. I toy with them, listen for their overtones, crack them open, and try to stuff my thoughts inside  (Writer Quotes) A writer writes with his genius; an artist paints with hers; everyone who creates operates from this sacramental center  (Writer Quotes) Medicine is probably one of the best backgrounds for a writer to find stories. I always think cops and docs have the best background because we see so much of human behavior, such a range of human emotions  (Writer Quotes) Storytelling is ultimately a creative act of pattern recognition. Through characters, plot and setting, a writer creates places where previously invisible truths become visible. Or the storyteller posits a series of dots that the reader can connect  (Writer Quotes) The female experience is different from that of the male, and if, as a male writer, you cannot accept that basic premise, then you will never, ever, be able to write women well  (Writer Quotes) I write mostly in my office in the shed outside at home, but it can get very cold. I write best on the train, among people. As a writer you spend so much time away from people  (Writer Quotes) I try not to repeat a story. I try not to repeat an emotion. I want it to be all sort of new for the viewers and to challenge myself as a writer, so there’s always pressure. What else can you come up with?  (Writer Quotes) The great message that we call the gospel begins, then, not with us, or our need, or even the meeting of that need, but with the writer of the news and the sender of its heralds: God himself  (Writer Quotes) It’s like two years straight out of your life doing a film. It’s very enjoyable, especially working with the guys, but I kind of like the idea of traveling and growing, and developing as a writer and as a filmmaker  (Writer Quotes) I get inspired by my friends, and if a friend is a writer, that is even deeper  (Writer Quotes) It was not cool to be that fun, bubbly kid, so I would just go off on my own and sing and make up songs, and that’s how I think I developed into the kind of artist and writer that I am  (Writer Quotes) I think I am a writer, but professionally I feel drawn to and suited for directing  (Writer Quotes) By instinct I’m an adventurer; by choice I’d like to be a writer; by pure, unadulterated luck, I’m an actor  (Writer Quotes) What ultimately happened is that my country had a war. I think it would be extraordinary, as a writer, not to want to write about that  (Writer Quotes) I’m not the type of woman who shows off my body; I’m a vocalist and I’m a writer and I think people see that more so than they see anything else. That’s just who I am  (Writer Quotes) A singer can quit once he or she has made ten great songs; a director can finish once he or she has made five amazing films; a writer just needs to write three great books  (Writer Quotes) Other writers definitely influence my writing. What encourages me and inspires me is when I read a good book. It makes me want to be a better writer  (Writer Quotes) Although I always loved reading and putting words on paper, I never thought about becoming a writer until I was twelve  (Writer Quotes) Setting is my primary joy as a writer, building a world and watching people respond to it  (Writer Quotes) A good writer can set a thriller anywhere and make it convincing: the trick is to evoke the setting in such a way that it highlights the crime or unsettles the reader  (Writer Quotes) To be a writer, you must be a reader, yet as many as 30 per cent of my writing students were not readers  (Writer Quotes) What’s the point in being an unpopular writer? It just doesn’t make a lot of sense. For me it doesn’t, anyway  (Writer Quotes) The training of a journalist, of working with words for thousands of hours, is extraordinarily useful for a fiction writer  (Writer Quotes) I think the novel form chose me. I was a writer before I became a criminal... my first instinct was to write  (Writer Quotes) I love writing on trains. The joy of being a writer is it’s all in your head; you don’t need materials apart from the laptop. It’s like taking your work home with you, so you can feel grounded in your own insane writerly realities wherever you are  (Writer Quotes) When it is perceived that a show has gone awry, the pressure is staggering, and as a writer caught in that storm, it feels like you are being attacked by jackals  (Writer Quotes) Verse is a mechanism by which we can create interpretative illusions suggesting profoundities of response and understanding which far exceed the engagement or research of the writer  (Writer Quotes) The progress of any writer is marked by those moments when he manages to outwit his own inner police system  (Writer Quotes)
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