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Writer Quotes

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I consider criticism merely a preliminary excitement, a statement of things a writer has to clear up in his own head sometime or other, probably antecedent to writing; of no value unless it come to fruit in the created work later  (Writer Quotes) A true critic ought to dwell upon excellencies rather than imperfections, to discover the concealed beauties of a writer, and communicate to the world such things as are worth their observation  (Writer Quotes) Every writer hopes or boldly assumes that his life is in some sense exemplary, that the particular will turn out to be universal  (Writer Quotes) As a writer, you get to play, you get alter time, you get to come up with the smart lines and the clever comebacks you wish you’d thought of  (Writer Quotes) As long as a film stays unmade, the book is entirely yours, it belongs to the writer. As soon as you make it into a film, suddenly more people see it than have ever read the book  (Writer Quotes) All a writer has to do to get a woman is to say he’s a writer. It’s an aphrodisiac  (Writer Quotes) The importance to the writer of first writing must be out of all proportion of the actual value of what is written  (Writer Quotes) I am a comic writer, which means I get to slay the dragons, and shoot the bull  (Writer Quotes) You know, as a writer, I’m more of a listener than a writer, cuz if I hear something I will write it down  (Writer Quotes) The secret to being a writer is that you have to write. It’s not enough to think about writing or to study literature or plan a future life as an author. You really have to lock yourself away, alone, and get to work  (Writer Quotes) The reserve of modern assertions is sometimes pushed to extremes, in which the fear of being contradicted leads the writer to strip himself of almost all sense and meaning  (Writer Quotes) You’re a reader as well as a writer, so write what you’d want to read  (Writer Quotes) That writer does the most who gives his reader the most knowledge and takes from him the least time  (Writer Quotes) The true function of a writer is to produce a masterpiece and no other task is of any consequence  (Writer Quotes) There are three reasons for becoming a writer: the first is that you need the money; the second that you have something to say that you think the world should know; the third is that you can’t think what to do with the long winter evenings  (Writer Quotes) A writer of fiction lives in fear. Each new day demands new ideas and he can never be sure whether he is going to come up with them or not  (Writer Quotes) The writer has to force himself to work. He has to make his own hours and if he doesn’t go to his desk at all there is nobody to scold him  (Writer Quotes) The writer walks out of his workroom in a daze. He wants a drink. He needs it  (Writer Quotes) Two hours of writing fiction leaves this writer completely drained. For those two hours he has been in a different place with totally different people  (Writer Quotes) If I were a writer, how I would enjoy being told the novel is dead. How liberating to work in the margins, outside a central perception. You are the ghoul of literature. Lovely  (Writer Quotes) One truth is the swing of the sentence, the beat and poise, but down deeper it’s the integrity of the writer as he matches with the language  (Writer Quotes) Dickens is a very underrated writer at the moment. Everyone in his time admired him but I think right now he’s not spoken of enough  (Writer Quotes) Obviously, a writer can’t know everything about what she writes. It’s impossible  (Writer Quotes) That process by which you become a writer is a pretty lonely one. We don’t have a group apprenticeship like a violinist might training for an orchestra  (Writer Quotes) Action, reaction, motivation, emotion, all have to come from the characters. Writing a love scene requires the same elements from the writer as any other  (Writer Quotes) Without the faintest possibility of finding a job, I decided to devote myself to literature: it was about time to find out what I was worth as a writer  (Writer Quotes) If you want to find out what a writer or a cartoonist really feels, look at his work. That’s enough  (Writer Quotes) Artie is a singer, and I’m a writer and player and a singer. We didn’t work together on a creative level and prepare the songs. I did that  (Writer Quotes) You want to be a writer, don’t know how or when? Find a quiet place, use a humble pen  (Writer Quotes) A good writer is basically a story teller, not a scholar or a redeemer of mankind  (Writer Quotes)
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