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Writer Quotes

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I could have been a cult writer if I’d kept writing surrealistic novels. But I wanted to break into the mainstream, so I had to prove that I could write a realistic book  (Writer Quotes) Sometimes I wonder why I’m a novelist right now. There is no definite career reason why I became a writer. Something happened, and I became a writer. And now I’m a successful writer  (Writer Quotes) No, the thing is, we all love storytelling, and as a writer you get to tell stories all the time  (Writer Quotes) Honorary degrees and lifetime achievement awards are very encouraging. I know that it might sound strange that a writer who has published many books still needs encouragement, but this is true  (Writer Quotes) I’ve always wondered, am I a writer who preaches or a preacher who writes? I don’t know. I love them both  (Writer Quotes) I’m glad a genre writer has got a knighthood, but stunned that it was me  (Writer Quotes) I always feel that if you put me in a room with a director and a writer and let me talk about the script, I can give a good account of myself  (Writer Quotes) I’ve always prided myself on my discipline as a writer. I do it like a job. I get up in the morning and go to my desk  (Writer Quotes) I have always thought, the secret purpose of the book tour is to make the writer hate the book he’s written. And, as a result, drive him to write another book  (Writer Quotes) This strange business of what it is to be a writer is this increasingly insane world in which we live, in which surrealism, it seems, is the new realism  (Writer Quotes) I’ve spent quite a bit of my life as a meditation teacher and writer commending the strengths of love and compassion  (Writer Quotes) It is so powerful when we can leave behind our ordinary identities, no longer think of ourselves primarily as a conductor, or writer, or salesclerk, and go to a supportive environment to deeply immerse in meditation practice  (Writer Quotes) For a writer it’s a dream to sit and watch people as close as possible  (Writer Quotes) Sometimes I felt as a writer I was purging, and it almost hurt to purge to that level. Now it doesn’t feel that way, maybe because I’m older. Maybe life has given me some punches, but it didn’t knock me down  (Writer Quotes) It’s always a nice feeling, having people think that you feel things much deeper than you’re allowed to say, but this isn’t true. If you want to find out what a writer or a cartoonist really feels, look at his work. That’s enough  (Writer Quotes) I always wanted to be an artist, writer and poet since I was seven, and one has to live long enough to evolve as an artist and do one’s finest work  (Writer Quotes) You become a different writer when you approach a short story. When things are not always having to represent other things, you find real human beings begin to cautiously appear on your pages  (Writer Quotes) Every good writer or filmmaker has something eating at them, right? That they can’t quite get off their back. And so your job is to make your audience care about your obsessions  (Writer Quotes) I am not a good enough writer to have an agenda or come up with a message and try to put it into a song. It’s more like you write what comes to you... You try to reflect the mood of the songs  (Writer Quotes) Every writer loves the idea of being able to go in and fix a problem and then leave without obligation. It’s fun!  (Writer Quotes) You know, I always was an early morning or late night writer. Early morning was my favorite; late night was because you had a deadline. And at four in the morning you make up some of your most absurd jokes  (Writer Quotes) A young writer is easily tempted by the allusive and ethereal and ironic and reflective, but the declarative is at the bottom of most good writing  (Writer Quotes) I am a strong believer in the tyranny, the dictatorship, the absolute authority of the writer  (Writer Quotes) Writing, real writing, should leave a small sweet bruise somewhere on the writer... and on the reader  (Writer Quotes) What some people find in religion a writer may find in his craft... a kind of breaking through to glory  (Writer Quotes) God must not engage in theology. The writer must not destroy by human reasonings the faith that art requires of us  (Writer Quotes) For years I felt that being respectable meant maintaining a sinister complacency, and the disreputable freedom I sought helped make me a writer  (Writer Quotes) The generalizing writer is like the passionate drunk, stumbling into your house mumbling: I know I’m not being clear, exactly, but don’t you kind of feel what I’m feeling?  (Writer Quotes) A writer needs a pen, an artist needs a brush, but a filmmaker needs an army  (Writer Quotes) This history of culture will explain to us the motives, the conditions of life, and the thought of the writer or reformer  (Writer Quotes)
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