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Writer Quotes

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Ideally, the writer needs no audience other than the few who understand that it is immodest and greedy to want more  (Writer Quotes) The writer must be in it; he can’t be to one side of it, ever. He has to be endangered by it. His own attitudes have to be tested in it. The best work that anybody ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing himself, always  (Writer Quotes) We’re past the age of heroes and hero kings... Most of our lives are basically mundane and dull, and it’s up to the writer to find ways to make them interesting  (Writer Quotes) Until I became a published writer, I remained completely ignorant of books on how to write and courses on the subject... they would have spoiled my natural style; made me observe caution; would have hedged me with rules  (Writer Quotes) The habit of writing clearly soon comes to the writer who is a severe critic to himself  (Writer Quotes) One of the greatest gifts you can get as a writer is to be born into an unhappy family  (Writer Quotes) No one can call themselves a writer until he or she has written at least fifty stories  (Writer Quotes) You become a good writer just as you become a good joiner: by planing down your sentences  (Writer Quotes) Every novel is an equal collaboration between the writer and the reader and it is the only place in the world where two strangers can meet on terms of absolute intimacy  (Writer Quotes) I think the only person a writer has an obligation to is himself. If what I write doesn’t fulfill something in me, if I don’t honestly feel it’s the best I can do, then I’m miserable  (Writer Quotes) The best, most natural dialogue is usually written as if the writer is listening to dictation. You might get stuck on any particular point and have to question yourself; but normally, dialogue writes itself  (Writer Quotes) Now the writer, I think, has the chance to live more than other people in the presence of... reality. It is his business to find it and collect it and communicate it to the rest of us  (Writer Quotes) A great writer created a world of his own and his readers are proud to live in it. A lesser writer may entice them in for a moment, but soon he will watch them filing out  (Writer Quotes) As a writer I’m merely a journalist who has learned to write better than others  (Writer Quotes) I can’t explain inspiration. A writer is either compelled to write or not. And if I waited for inspiration I wouldn’t really be a writer  (Writer Quotes) Any hack can safely rail away at foreign powers beyond the sea; but a good writer is a critic of the society he lives in  (Writer Quotes) Writers should avoid the academy. When a writer begins to accept pay for talking about words, we know what he will produce soon: nothing but words  (Writer Quotes) When the writer has done his best, he then should proceed to do his second best  (Writer Quotes) The frankest and freest product of the human mind and heart is a love letter; the writer gets his limitless freedom of statement and expression from his sense that no stranger is going to see what he is writing  (Writer Quotes) Every writer creates his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future  (Writer Quotes) To be the kind of writer you want to be, you must first be the kind of thinker you want to be  (Writer Quotes) I would like it to be said that I was a good writer of detective and thriller stories  (Writer Quotes) I never assign a product to a writer unless I know that he is personally interested in it. Every time I have written a bad campaign, it has been because the product did not interest me  (Writer Quotes) Each reader reads only what is already within himself. The book is only a sort of optical instrument which the writer offers to the reader to enable the latter to discover in himself what he would not have found but for the aid of the book  (Writer Quotes) I’m a salami writer. I try to write good salami, but salami is salami  (Writer Quotes) Learning to sing one’s own songs, to trust the particular cadences of own’s voices, is also the goal of any writer  (Writer Quotes) How do you know if your child is a writer? Your obstetrician holds his stethoscope to your abdomen and only hears excuses  (Writer Quotes) I think the one thing that’s changed over time is that I’ve come to realise, as a fiction writer, the fact that I don’t think it will work out, doesn’t mean that it actually won’t  (Writer Quotes) Very little about being a writer is signing an autograph. It’s sitting in a room and writing. Getting it out  (Writer Quotes) Tomorrow morning the critic will be gone, but the writer will still be there facing the blank page. Nothing matters but that he keep working  (Writer Quotes)
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