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Writer Quotes

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At the end of the day I am a writer, and if I don’t take care of this, no one else will  (Writer Quotes) The fact is, I don’t know where my ideas come from. Nor does any writer. The only real answer is to drink way too much coffee and buy yourself a desk that doesn’t collapse when you beat your head against it  (Writer Quotes) Is any novelist going to recognize the moment when he or she has nothing more to say? It is a brave thing to admit. And since as a professional writer you are full of anxiety anyway, you could easily misread the signs  (Writer Quotes) The job of the writer is to kiss no ass, no matter how big and holy and white and tempting and powerful  (Writer Quotes) Poe was the first writer to write about main characters who were bad guys or who were mad guys, and those are some of my favorite stories  (Writer Quotes) I was punched breathless by the strongest emotions I have ever felt and they are now stored in my intuition as a writer  (Writer Quotes) The secret to editing your work is simple: you need to become its reader instead of its writer  (Writer Quotes) I think everyone should pursue their dreams. Whether you want to play football, act, sing, become a writer or whatever you have burning inside you as you’re growing up, you should pursue it  (Writer Quotes) The artist knows he must be alone to create; the writer, to work out his thoughts; the musician, to compose; the saint, to pray. But women need solitude in order to find again the true essence of themselves  (Writer Quotes) No male writer is likely to be asked to sit on a panel addressing itself to the special problems of a male writer  (Writer Quotes) What better portrait of a writer than to show a man who has been bewitched by books?  (Writer Quotes) The fact people think that when you sell a lot of books you are not a serious writer is a great insult to the readership. I get a little angry when people try to say such a thing  (Writer Quotes) I’m not a writer because I want to make money. I’m a writer because I’m a very slow thinker, but I do care about thinking, and the only way I know how to think with any kind of finesse is by telling stories  (Writer Quotes) Remember that your job as a practicing writer is to remember it’s never going to be perfect on your first pass  (Writer Quotes) Nothing will train you to write better as a writer, than working on your next book  (Writer Quotes) Humor has to surprise us; otherwise, it isn’t funny. It’s a death knell for a writer to be labeled a humorist because then it’s not a surprise anymore  (Writer Quotes) I get to tell my truth. I get to seek meaning and realization. I get to live fully, wildly, imperfectly. That’s why I’m alive. And all I actually have to offer as a writer is my version of life. Every single thing that has happened to me is mine  (Writer Quotes) When a regular person gets sick, they take an aspirin. When a writer gets sick, they take notes  (Writer Quotes) I feel some kind of duty to be really, really honest as a writer. The same is true of my songwriting  (Writer Quotes) Everything that a painter did or that a writer wrote was a part of his training and preparation for what he was to do  (Writer Quotes) I know that books seem like the ultimate thing that’s made by one person, but that’s not true. Every reading of a book is a collaboration between the reader and the writer who are making the story up together  (Writer Quotes) A writer stops writing the moment he or she puts the last full stop to their text, and at that point the book is in limbo and doesn’t come to life until the reader picks it up and the reader flips the pages  (Writer Quotes) You can’t be a serious writer of fiction unless you believe the story you are telling  (Writer Quotes) For a writer, and particularly a writer of my genre, which is the fantastical, I think that it’s to my advantage to feel remote from and disconnected from the world of deal making  (Writer Quotes) In retrospect, it seems like everything in my life led to me becoming a writer. I just didn’t realise it at the time  (Writer Quotes) If a writer disbelieves what he is writing, then he can hardly expect his reader to believe it  (Writer Quotes) The literary interview won’t tell you what a writer is like. Far more compellingly to some, it will tell you what a writer is like to interview  (Writer Quotes) The short of it is, as an aspiring writer, there is nothing as damaging to your credibility as saying that you don’t like to read  (Writer Quotes) I became a writer, a teller of tales, because otherwise I would have died... or worse  (Writer Quotes) Appealing to the five senses is the feature that will always set writing apart from the visual media. A good writer will tell us what the world smells like, what the textures are, what the sounds are, what the light looks like, what the weather is  (Writer Quotes)
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