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Writer Quotes

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What I try to capture as a writer is the feeling of being alive, of being awake  (Writer Quotes) Of course it is very limiting to be labeled a lesbian or queer writer. We live in a homophobic culture, and even people who aren’t hateful per se assume they won’t get anything from a queer book  (Writer Quotes) I love the village in my computer. There’s little validation in the day-to-day life of a writer; sometimes we ache for a connection  (Writer Quotes) I was always a writer, by which I mean I was always scribbling away, doing something with pen and paper  (Writer Quotes) Writing a tribe is fun. They have their own language, their own slang; they repeat it, and it becomes part of the texture of the play. For a writer, that’s thrilling. That’s when my pen flies  (Writer Quotes) There’s no point for me in being a writer and having all these blocked places where I feel I can’t think freely and imagine freely. There just really is no point  (Writer Quotes) I’m a writer, and the subject is less important than the act of writing itself  (Writer Quotes) Often, the fact that I haven’t done something as a writer is all the reason I need to try it  (Writer Quotes) Turin is a city which entices a writer towards vigor, linearity, style. It encourages logic, and through logic it opens the way towards madness  (Writer Quotes) I never intended to be a professional writer; as the story developed, the one thing I had in my hopes was that this would be something tangible to separate me from the nameless, numbered masses  (Writer Quotes) One likes to think one grows as a writer as one ages, else all you get is an old young writer. Beyond that is the changing landscape of the universe and the stories I choose to tell  (Writer Quotes) Letters have to pass two tests before they can be classed as good: they must express the personality both of the writer and of the recipient  (Writer Quotes) I had all the usual ambition growing up. I wanted to be a writer, a musician, a hockey player. I wanted to do something that wasn’t nine to five. Acting was the first thing I tried that clicked  (Writer Quotes) One of my rules is never explain. A writer is a lot like a magician, if you explain how the trick works then a lot of the magic turns mundane  (Writer Quotes) Words are the basic tools, if you are a writer. But why? Why do you choose one set of tools rather than another?  (Writer Quotes) One tends to overlook the fact that all during the 30’s and actually during the late 40’s I was a highly successful writer and a great many properties accumulated during that period of time  (Writer Quotes) Writer’s block is just another word for video games. If you want to be a writer, get writing, you lazy bastards  (Writer Quotes) The writer who can’t do his job looks to his editor to do it for him, though he won’t dream of sharing his royalties with that editor  (Writer Quotes) A writer is, after all, only half his book. The other half is the reader and from the reader the writer learns  (Writer Quotes) It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both  (Writer Quotes) Success comes to a writer as a rule, so gradually that it is always something of a shock to him to look back and realize the heights to which he has climbed  (Writer Quotes) Unless a writer is extremely old when he dies, in which case he has probably become a neglected institution, his death must always seem untimely  (Writer Quotes) One of the things I love, and I’m a voracious reader as well as a writer, is books that surprise me, that are not predictable  (Writer Quotes) My publisher, who was so good as a taster and editor, when she became a writer, lo and behold, it was all this feminine tosh  (Writer Quotes) It’s really important to me to keep growing as a writer, to look for new challenges and be harshly critical of my own work in order to learn and tell better stories  (Writer Quotes) A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word to paper  (Writer Quotes) If you’re a freelance writer and aren’t used to being ignored, neglected, and generally given short shrift, you must not have been in the business very long  (Writer Quotes) The young writer should learn to spot them: words that at first glance seem freighted with delicious meaning, but that soon burst in the air, leaving nothing but a memory of bright sound  (Writer Quotes) You learn to write by writing, and by reading and thinking about how writers have created their characters and invented their stories. If you are not a reader, don’t even think about being a writer  (Writer Quotes) You can’t say, I won’t write today because that excuse will extend into several days, then several months, then... you are not a writer anymore, just someone who dreams about being a writer  (Writer Quotes)
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