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Writer Quotes

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The writer who cannot sometimes throw away a thought about which another man would have written dissertations, without worry whether or not the reader will find it, will never become a great writer  (Writer Quotes) If you would be a writer, first be a reader. Only through the assimilation of ideas, thoughts and philosophies can one begin to focus his own ideas, thoughts and philosophies  (Writer Quotes) If you’re a fiction writer, though, I can tell you how to let people talk through you. Listen. Just be quiet, and listen. Let the character talk. Don’t censor, don’t control. Listen, and write  (Writer Quotes) The highest duty of the writer, the composer, the artist, is to remain true to himself and to let the chips fall where they may  (Writer Quotes) Grammar is to a writer what anatomy is to a sculptor, or the scales to a musician. You may loathe it, it may bore you, but nothing will replace it, and once mastered it will support you like a rock  (Writer Quotes) I like the job I have, but if I had to live my life over again, I would like to have ended up a sports writer  (Writer Quotes) But nothing has replaced the writer. He or she is still stuck with the same old job of saying something that other people will want to read  (Writer Quotes) Every book is three books, after all; the one the writer intended, the one the reader expected, and the one that casts its shadow when the first two meet by moonlight  (Writer Quotes) Without the local library in my neighborhood, I don’t think I would have grown up to be a writer or a teacher  (Writer Quotes) A writer must have all the confidence in the world when writing the first draft and none whatsoever when editing subsequent drafts  (Writer Quotes) Nobody ever got started on a career as a writer by exercising good judgment, and no one ever will, either, so the sooner you break the habit of relying on yours, the faster you will advance  (Writer Quotes) For me, a writer should be more like a lighthouse keeper, just out there by himself. He shouldn’t get his ideas from other people all around him  (Writer Quotes) Naturally, since I myself am a writer, I do not wish the ordinary reader to read no modern books. But if he must read only the new or only the old, I would advise him to read the old  (Writer Quotes) See, the thing is, as a writer you are free. You are about the freest person that ever was. Your freedom is what you have bought with your solitude, your loneliness  (Writer Quotes) It’s different for every writer. It’s not a career for anyone who needs security. It’s a career for gamblers. It’s a career of ups and downs  (Writer Quotes) The whole duty of a writer is to please and satisfy himself, and the true writer always plays to an audience of one  (Writer Quotes) Since I was the stupidest kid in my class, it never occurred to me to try and be perfect, so I’ve always been happy as a writer just to entertain myself. That’s an easier place to start  (Writer Quotes) Here’s the bottom line; writers write. Sometimes words flow easily. Sometimes it’s like sloughing through mud. Either way a professional writer keeps writing  (Writer Quotes) Being a writer is a very private, internal process. Ultimately I am more the writer, being an introvert  (Writer Quotes) I’m a writer. I never expected to be recognised on the street. I never expected to get that kind of coverage, good or bad. I never expected to sell as many books as I have  (Writer Quotes) As far as he can achieve it, readability is as important for the scientific writer as it is for the novelist  (Writer Quotes) It is indeed difficult to make a living as a writer, and my advice to anyone contemplating a literary career is to have some other trade  (Writer Quotes) Certainly a decade and a half out in the real world, bashing my head against things, probably made me into a more textured writer. It gives you something to write about  (Writer Quotes) I do not know how old I was when the daydreams became more than that, and I decided to write them down, but by the time I entered high school, I was confident that I would one day be a writer  (Writer Quotes) A writer is a person who cares what words mean, what they say, how they say it... By using words well they strengthen their souls  (Writer Quotes) For a fiction writer, a storyteller, the world is full of stories, and when a story is there, it’s there, and you just reach up and pick it  (Writer Quotes) As a prose writer, I work with language; and those who work with language turn to poetry for renewal  (Writer Quotes) If it was easy, everyone would do it rather than going around telling you their ideas and saying how they could be a writer if they had the time  (Writer Quotes) A writer of books has to admit that film is the enemy, and that in my case I have been sleeping with the enemy  (Writer Quotes) More and more people think of the critic as an indispensable middle man between writer and reader, and would no more read a book alone, if they could help it, than have a baby alone  (Writer Quotes)
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