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But it is not at all unthinkable for anyone to tell a writer how to write. It comes with the territory  (Writer Quotes) All a writer wants is to be read, and people are so flattering and lovely. I mean, there are witches out there as well. But most are so kind  (Writer Quotes) When I began writing, the words that inspired me were these: A writer is someone who has written today. If you want to be a writer, whats stopping you?  (Writer Quotes) There is a temptation for the writer or the teacher of church history to want to tell everything, whether it is worthy or faith promoting or not. Some things that are true are not very useful  (Writer Quotes) A good writer gets better only by learning to cut, to remove the ornamental, the descriptive, the narrative, and especially the deeply felt and meaningful. What remains? The story remains  (Writer Quotes) I’m not a very intentional writer. I try to be as unintentional as possible. What I basically try to do is invite the zeitgeist in to tea  (Writer Quotes) I’ve written a lot of scripts that someone else directed, and it’s absolutely vital that, if I’m gonna act in it, then I have to take off the writer hat and let the director direct  (Writer Quotes) The received image of a writer is that of an unproductive sensitive who suffers from the vapors, is enslaved by his gonads, falls victim to romantic swoons and passes out at deadlines  (Writer Quotes) I was a visual artist primarily and a writer, even from a very young age  (Writer Quotes) I was a visual artist primarily and a writer, even from a very young age. I wrote a lot of stories and poetry and. I had a desire to create always. And I always had a desire to show my work  (Writer Quotes) I’m not the sort of writer who can walk into a party and take a look around, see who’s sleeping with whom and go home and write a novel about society. It’s not the way I work  (Writer Quotes) One of the things I had to learn as a writer was to trust the act of writing. To put myself in the position of writing to find out what I was writing  (Writer Quotes) But the fact is, I’m not work - identified. I’m not a lawyer or a writer. I’m a mom, and I’m a woman, and that’s the kind of people I want to see in books in the starring role  (Writer Quotes) Do you want to be an artist and a writer, or a wife and a lover? With kids, your focus changes. I don’t want to go to PTA meetings  (Writer Quotes) I wear a lot of different hats - from writer to producer and artist. We all do 5 or 6 jobs, everything from creating our own graphic design to actually recording and the whole bit  (Writer Quotes) I’m a Hollywood writer, so I put on my sports jacket and take off my brain  (Writer Quotes) I’ve known Shawn for several years. And he’s just an amazing talent. He’s a great writer, a marvelous, marvelous guitar player, and plays really good fiddle  (Writer Quotes) My dad told me that no one could ever make it as a writer, that my chances were equivalent to winning the lottery - which was good for me, because I like to have something to prove  (Writer Quotes) Richard Hugo taught me that anyone with a desire to write, an ear for language and a bit of imagination could become a writer. He also, in a way, gave me permission to write about northern Montana  (Writer Quotes) What I do believe is that there is always a relationship between writing and reading, a constant interplay between the writer on the one hand and the reader on the other  (Writer Quotes) When I was asked to be Writer in Residence at Edinburgh I thought, you can’t teach poetry. This is ridiculous  (Writer Quotes) You know, Mamet is not a huge writer of female parts. Most of his movies don’t even have women in them, so I’m lucky I’m in it at all  (Writer Quotes) Some literary types subscribe to the notion that being a writer like Salinger entitles a person to remain free of the standards that might apply to mere mortals  (Writer Quotes) The thing is, emotion - if it’s visibly felt by the writer - will go through all the processes it takes to publish a story and still hit the reader right in the gut. But you have to really mean it  (Writer Quotes) There’s a feminist writer, Naomi Wolfe, who is reconsidering her position on abortion  (Writer Quotes) I still can’t quite believe it. Although there was something about the fact that it was a first - time writer, a first - time producer, and a first - time director all at the same time  (Writer Quotes) Fortunately, John Houseman is a marvelous writer and he sat in on so many story conferences. He worked with Welles, you know, and he’s a marvelous man  (Writer Quotes) I think of myself as a writer with a sense of humour rather than a comedy writer. Happy to tell a story with lots of jokes in it - I wouldn’t know how to do jokes without the story  (Writer Quotes) Some people want to call me an Appalachian writer, even though I know some people use regional labels to belittle  (Writer Quotes) If a lecturer, he wishes to be heard; if a writer, to be read. He always hopes for a public beyond that of the long - suffering wife  (Writer Quotes)
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