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Writer Quotes

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I wanted to be a writer from my early teenage years, but I never told anyone. Writers, in my opinion, were god-like creatures, and to say I was striving to be a writer would be incredibly arrogant  (Writer Quotes) Any time a writer thinks he has all the answers to how someone should talk or react or end a scene, it’s a spontaneity-killer  (Writer Quotes) They’ve got this house style which is writer driven. I heard of one person who sent his script in, and Karen Berger said there weren’t enough words in it. Put some more in  (Writer Quotes) I wanted nothing less than to be a fiction writer when I was a kid. If you had told me I would be an artist or novelist when I grew up, I would have laughed in your fac  (Writer Quotes) I did a series called Ned and Stacey for two years for Fox back in the 90s. I was writer on it as well as a producer, and it was very important to me that there were no contemporary references  (Writer Quotes) The writer I feel the most affinity with - you said you felt my books are 19th century novels, I think they’re 18th century novels - is Fielding, Henry Fielding, he’s the guy who does it for me  (Writer Quotes) I’m a writer. Now I’ve started to be on television. I have a big mouth. And I have good TV teeth, they say  (Writer Quotes) Intense study of the Bible will keep any writer from being vulgar, in point of style  (Writer Quotes) I think the press does, too; it’s just the few crazies and paparazzi that give them a bad name. Real writers write good things. My daughter’s a writer, and she’s a quality writer  (Writer Quotes) That’s what a writer does; they make things up and that makes for good reading  (Writer Quotes) I wouldn’t buy somebody’s album on a dare if they called him a musician’s musician. I don’t write to be a writer’s writer. I don’t want to be like the little-magazine writer  (Writer Quotes) I think it’s quite difficult to understand what kind of life a writer leads. They might be millionaires, or they might be starving people  (Writer Quotes) As I see it, my job as a writer isn’t to judge, but to take a reader as far inside as I can and let them dwell there  (Writer Quotes) I used to want to be fully observational, but I’m just not that kind of writer. My process always changes depending on how, when, and where inspiration stiles me  (Writer Quotes) Even before I started writing songs, that was one of my goals to be a writer, and I still have that goal. I’ve just gotten sidetracked  (Writer Quotes) The job of the writer and the filmmaker is not to impose his vision on the reality, but to be inspired by the reality and create a vision out of that  (Writer Quotes) That’s what ever great writer, I believe, has done over the course of time - is they’ve figured out new ways of telling the same stories  (Writer Quotes) I am a driven writer. I feel guilty if I don’t write, not self-indulgent if I do  (Writer Quotes) I consider myself an essayist and a fiction writer. In the essays, I certainly have been influenced by some of the leading science essayists. Like Loren Eiseley, Stephen Jay Gould, Lewis Thomas  (Writer Quotes) Writers, some of us, may tend to see things before other people do, things that are right there but aren’t noticed in the way that a writer might notice  (Writer Quotes) A writer decides to follow some ideas and not others for reasons that aren’t always clear to him. It’s often a matter of intuition  (Writer Quotes) That’s what in theory differentiates a writer from everyone else. You see and hear more clearly  (Writer Quotes) I have never thought that I have sacrificed anything being a writer. That might not be true, maybe I have sacrificed something. Maybe I’ve given something up, but I can’t think of it  (Writer Quotes) Purely the idea of writing a lot of books doesn’t make you a great writer, but it might be that the process of doing a lot of writing will make you a much better writer  (Writer Quotes) I believe that a writer has to tell what they think is the truth in a human experience. The truth of the human experience cannot escape the political  (Writer Quotes) I’m good at being by myself. I guess if you’re a writer you get used to that  (Writer Quotes) Any writer who pretends to a disaffection for recognition, I think they’re being duplicitous  (Writer Quotes) When you’re a writer, you have to have the passion and the skill and the craft. It’s not just enough to have the passion. You’ve gotta have all three  (Writer Quotes) In any kind of conflict, you have a certain dehumanization that comes along with it. And it’s important as a reporter, a writer, a journalist, to try to restore humanity  (Writer Quotes) I sort of knew very early on that I wanted to be a writer. Even in high school, I was a big movie buff, very much into TV shows, and would critique them  (Writer Quotes)
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