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Writer Quotes

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I’m not the fastest reader or writer but occasionally I’ll write things down just so I don’t forget them  (Writer Quotes) Pretty much every artist in Scotland - musician, writer, poet, actor - they’re all part of a thing called the National Collective  (Writer Quotes) I thought of myself as a writer for years before I got around to writing anything  (Writer Quotes) I am a gay writer, but I am also a Scottish writer and some days a lazy writer, or a funny writer. Being gay is just a part of who I am  (Writer Quotes) Unless you’re a terribly bad writer, you are never going to have too many readers  (Writer Quotes) Why do I write? I guess that’s been asked of every writer. I don’t know. It isn’t any massive compulsion  (Writer Quotes) A professional writer is a joke. You write because you can’t do anything else, and then you have another job  (Writer Quotes) If you just sit there, and you’re a writer, you’re bound to write crap. A lot of American writing is crap. And a lot of American writers are professionals  (Writer Quotes) I’m a black writer from Mississippi. That’s what I most consider myself  (Writer Quotes) I’m an obsessive writer who needs and loves revision. Writing helps me learn and helps me teach  (Writer Quotes) It’s not easy to make friends when you’re an adult writer outside of academia, especially when you work alone in a little room for twelve hours a day, and so I wrote toward what I most longed for  (Writer Quotes) It’s a sin for a writer to go looking for camels to put into his or her pages. I only want details that are the story  (Writer Quotes) Most of us have loved. And the terror for a writer is that readers will forgive you so much, but they won’t forgive you one false note about love, about which they too are expert  (Writer Quotes) Every Kenyan writer has offered me something to hold onto, something to believe in  (Writer Quotes) That’s a huge subject - a writer refusing to do publicity but writing about publicity  (Writer Quotes) I’ve always subscribed to the notion that a writer always has something else to say, and the more you write, the more you have to write about, because the act of writing is self-generating  (Writer Quotes) For me, fiction’s great gift - to writer and reader, alike - is freedom  (Writer Quotes) As a writer who writes poetry, nonfiction, and fiction, I think it’s important to always maintain a firm grasp on genre and ethics  (Writer Quotes) I found it instructive and highly constructive as a writer to go to a point of disaster and come out with a feel for it and then some sort of a lesson based on feeling  (Writer Quotes) I figured that to be a writer I would need to have been born in the nineteenth century, be British, or have three names. So I turned my sights elsewhere . . . to acting  (Writer Quotes) I think as a writer, it’s important to show the other part of being gay, not only the sex part  (Writer Quotes) If you’re a writer, you don’t serve genres. Genres serve you. Like, if you’re writing a science fiction story set on a spaceship, you don’t have to have someone thrown out an airlock  (Writer Quotes) I think back when I was kind of a crappy writer, I really did know my time was better spent working and having adventures and seeing the world  (Writer Quotes) I do different work, teaching and running around visiting universities and bookstores, and that prevents me from writing. But it’s nice to be wanted as a writer  (Writer Quotes) That’s why I have to be a fiction writer, because I can’t remember what just happened or where I went last week or what movie I just watched with my husband. I’m better off just making things up  (Writer Quotes) I am home because I am a writer, but sometimes, when I’m not productive (productivity: the expectations of capitalism), I feel like a terrible housewife, or a sick person  (Writer Quotes) Part of being a writer is feeling that constant dissatisfaction, thinking about what else you could do, and also knowing when it’s time to leave a project  (Writer Quotes) When I watch students make particular decisions about language, structure, and form, it sharpens my own thinking and my own development as a writer  (Writer Quotes) You have to be able to play: this is spontaneous interaction, and it flexes all the creative muscles you need as a writer. And empathy is one of those muscles  (Writer Quotes) I’m much more a writer than an actor. Although I have a great respect for that and I enjoy acting still, it really is about the world that I’m creating. That’s where my future is  (Writer Quotes)
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