Writing Quotes

Text Quotes
Now the writing in the head, I definitely do every day, thinking about how I want to phrase something or how I’d like to rephrase something I’ve already written (Writing Quotes)
So, once I get writing I really try and put five to eight hours a day in my room with a guitar to really try and come up with stuff that feels interesting enough to me to keep it (Writing Quotes)
So writing a song is much harder than doing a classical piece for me, because in a classical piece, I can just let the mood dictate what’s going to happen (Writing Quotes)
Its much like writing a screenplay with someone else and thats how we view it, I think (Writing Quotes)
Writing is hard work, but a lot of fun, too. It allows me to live out some of my fantasies (Writing Quotes)
I’m not actually teaching any more, but I am writing pieces for schools all the time, and for kids (Writing Quotes)
There are so many opportunities in life, that the loss of two or three capabilities is not necessarily debilitating. A handicap can give you the opportunity to focus more on art, writing, or music (Writing Quotes)
The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or to say a new thing in an old way (Writing Quotes)
We grew up in abject poverty. Acting, writing scripts and skits were a way of escaping our environment at a very young age (Writing Quotes)
There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking, and an art of writing (Writing Quotes)
Maybe I spent more time dwelling on emotions than some people, and maybe that’s why I ended up writing (Writing Quotes)
Writing, overall, has never been what I’d call fun. It’s fulfilling. It doesn’t come real easy for me (Writing Quotes)
I liked the challenge of writing in a very concise structure in which both meaning and form are important (Writing Quotes)
The best way to learn about writing is to study the work of other writers you admire (Writing Quotes)
I could tell it was a popular move as a writer to walk down the bass lines while you were writing a song (Writing Quotes)
My style of writing is to allow the story to unfold on its own. I try not to structure my work too rigidly (Writing Quotes)
Someone who wants to write should make an effort to write a little something every day. Writing in this sense is the same as athletes who practice a sport every day to keep their skills honed (Writing Quotes)
I’ve done that quite often, but I’ve got to be quite honest... as much as you would want to only do one at a time, sometimes projects overlap and there’s nothing you can do. Sometimes you to have begin writing a new project just as you’re finishing off another (Writing Quotes)
Writing a simple melody can take weeks to get it right where I want it, but I do quite enjoy it (Writing Quotes)
I had developed this habit of writing scenarios as a hobby. I would find out which stories had been sold to be made into films and I would write my own treatment and then compare it (Writing Quotes)
I like writing because you can make things happen and turn out the way they never do in real life (Writing Quotes)
Then l learned to play guitar and l started writing songs and my mother formed for me a publishing business, so we started publishing and managing artists (Writing Quotes)
Fundamentally, all writing is about the same thing; it’s about dying, about the brief flicker of time we have here, and the frustration that it creates (Writing Quotes)
I obviously prefer writing novels but I take my journalism very seriously, and I enjoy doing it between novels. It gives me an opportunity to move in the outside world (Writing Quotes)
If you’re writing a novel, you’re in a room for three or four years. There’s not much coming in from the outside (Writing Quotes)
I suppose directing on set is the most fun because it’s a good crack and you feel you’re on the battlefield whereas writing is a fairly solitary undertaking (Writing Quotes)
I started studying acting, got commercials, and here we are 100 years later. I’m acting and writing and I have a pool and a dog (Writing Quotes)
I learned the enormous power of writing for yourself, especially now that people seem to be receptive to the fact that women can write (Writing Quotes)
Writing is far too hard work to say what someone else wants me to. Serving it as a craft, using it as a way of growing in my own understanding, seems to me to be a beautiful way to live. And if that product is shareable with other people, so much the better (Writing Quotes)
I suspect that writer’s block afflicts mainly people who have some stable and ample source of income outside of writing. So far it hasn’t been a problem (Writing Quotes)