Writing Quotes

Text Quotes
Never tell anyone that you’re writing a book, going on a diet, exercising, taking a course, or quitting smoking. They’ll encourage you to death (Writing Quotes)
What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can’t reread a phone call (Writing Quotes)
I compose my own stuff. I’ve been writing songs with words. I’ve been playing more on the keyboard because I can transpose it to sheet music on the computer (Writing Quotes)
The story drove the book. That had a very seminal effect on the way I saw writing and storytelling. If you can set a character in a story that is compelling and has a backbone, you draw people in (Writing Quotes)
Because I don’t have to be careful of people’s feelings when I teach literature, and I do when I’m teaching writing (Writing Quotes)
I teach one semester a year, and this year I’m just teaching one course during that semester, a writing workshop for older students in their late 20s and early 30s, people in our graduate program who are already working on a manuscript and trying to bring it to completion (Writing Quotes)
Like so many writers I started writing stories because I didn’t have much time for anything else (Writing Quotes)
There’s a joy in writing short stories, a wonderful sense of reward when you pull certain things off (Writing Quotes)
I like writing a lot more than I used to. I used to find it scary but now I’ve got used to it once it gets going. I used to find it hard to start. Fear of the blank page. The first thing you write down won’t bear any relation to what’s in your head and that’s always disappointing (Writing Quotes)
No one likes to work for free. To copy an artist’s work and download it free is stealing. It’s hard work writing and recording music, and it’s morally wrong to steal it (Writing Quotes)
I find writing songs hard, because it does not come naturally to me. I never set out to be a songwriter or a singer (Writing Quotes)
I think there is a rage against women. I’ve come to see that now although at the time I did not notice it. I was preoccupied with my teaching and my writing (Writing Quotes)
There were also some cruel reviews by women, but the tone of the male reviewers, sometimes hysterical, was different. I have suffered, but I don’t want to name names but there have been men who have seemed to want to destroy me or my writing, men I don’t even know (Writing Quotes)
Writing is mentally stimulating; it’s like a puzzle that makes you think all the time (Writing Quotes)
I don’t really need to stand out, there’s room for everyone. Although I haven’t built a niche yet, I’m just writing love songs (Writing Quotes)
Before my eyes are many miserable scenes, the suffering of others and myself forces my hands to move. I become a machine for writing (Writing Quotes)
When I start writing a poem, I don’t think about models or about what anybody else in the world has done (Writing Quotes)
When we speak, in gestures or signs, we fashion a real object in the world; the gesture is seen, the words and the song are heard. The arts are simply a kind of writing, which, in one way or another, fixes words or gestures, and gives body to the invisible (Writing Quotes)
I actually didn’t want to have control of the writing on my first album. To write, you have to have time to connect with yourself. I don’t have that time right now, because I’m so busy (Writing Quotes)
Writing, madam, is a mechanic part of wit. A gentleman should never go beyond a song or a billet (Writing Quotes)
After 58 years you’d think writing would get easier. It doesn’t. If you’re lucky, you become harder to please. That’s all right, it’s still a pleasure (Writing Quotes)
Despite all our toil and progress, the art of medicine still falls somewhere between trout casting and spook writing (Writing Quotes)
Life can’t ever really defeat a writer who is in love with writing, for life itself is a writer’s lover until death – fascinating, cruel, lavish, warm, cold, treacherous, constant (Writing Quotes)
There are two things wrong with almost all legal writing. One is its style. The other is its content (Writing Quotes)
To start writing about your life is, from one standpoint, to stop living it. You must avoid adventures today so as to make time for registering those of yesterday (Writing Quotes)
Writing humor in my column isn’t as dangerous as performing it. If I fail in front of a live audience, the humiliation is as great as anything a human being can suffer (Writing Quotes)
There is nothing that one can say about acting, writing, producing or directing that cannot be revoked in the next breath. Nothing is immutable. The logic of one year is a folly of the next (Writing Quotes)
Women who write with an overriding consciousness that they write as women are engaged not in aspiration toward writing, but chiefly in a politics of sex (Writing Quotes)
Nothing a man writes can please him as profoundly as something he does with his back, shoulders and hands. For writing is an artificial activity. It is a lonely and private substitute for conversation (Writing Quotes)
From writing rapidly it does not result that one writes well, but from writing well it results that one writes rapidly (Writing Quotes)