Writing Quotes

Text Quotes
As time passed I became an avid reader of popular scientific books, wanting to know as much as I could about the world in which I lived. Gradually I began to see a pattern of nonsense in much scientific writing. Scientific explanations given regarding the origins or functioning of various phenomena simply didn’t make sense (Writing Quotes)
What it boils down to is that parenting a child with autism is a difficult job; writing about it is far easier (Writing Quotes)
Writing a story is like going down a path in the woods. You follow the path. You don’t worry about getting lost. You just go (Writing Quotes)
To observe the world carefully, to write a lot and often, on a schedule if necessary, to use the dictionary a lot, to look up word origins, to analyze closely the work of writers you admire, to read not only contemporaries but writers of the past, to learn at least one foreign language, to live an interesting life outside of writing (Writing Quotes)
Writing is a way of processing our lives. And it can be a way of healing (Writing Quotes)
I like the process of pencil and paper as opposed to a machine. I think the writing is better when it’s done in handwriting (Writing Quotes)
I don’t write particularly to effect social change. I believe writing can do that, but thats not why I write (Writing Quotes)
It’s hell writing and it’s hell not writing. The only tolerable state is having just written (Writing Quotes)
Ruth’s writing is so joyful, funny and uplifting; it’s always a real treat of a read (Writing Quotes)
Writing a short story is like having a short intense affair, whereas writing a novel is like a long rich marriage (Writing Quotes)
People are considered as areas that resist light, mistakes in the air, collision sweet spots. At the time of this writing, the whole world is a crime scene: People eat space with their bodies; they are rain decayers; the wind is slaughtered when they move. A retaliation is probably coming. Should a person cease to move, she would cease to kill the sky, and the world might begin to recover (Writing Quotes)
I think empathy is a guy who punches you in the face at a bus station, and you’re somehow able to look at that him and know enough about what situation he was in to know that he had to do that and not to hit back. That’s empathy, and nothing ever happens in writing that has that kind of moral heroism about it (Writing Quotes)
Putting words on paper regularly is part of the necessary discipline of writing. A journal is a great way to do that (Writing Quotes)
The dimensions of a work of art are seldom realized by the author until the work is accomplished. It is like a flowering dream. Ideas grow, budding silently, and there are a thousand illuminations coming day by day as the work progresses. A seed grows in writing as in nature. The seed of the idea is developed by both labor and the unconscious, and the struggle that goes on between them (Writing Quotes)
I put myself in the place of the listener when editing my writing. The last thing that I want to do is be preached at and told who to be or what to think when listening to an artist. However, I do want to be inspired. There’s a fine line (Writing Quotes)
You need to get outside of your comfort zone to write songs that are interesting, songs that are compelling, songs that are different from what other people are writing (Writing Quotes)
Writing is a lonely way of life. You shut yourself up in your study and work and work (Writing Quotes)
I finally realized that my relaxation is practicing the piano and writing. I’ve tried to do other things, but I’ve learned through the decades, that this is what I enjoy, practicing music and writing (Writing Quotes)
Do we, as humans, having an ability to reason and to communicate abstract ideas verbally and in writing, and to form ethical and moral judgments using the accumulated knowledge of the ages, have the right to take the lives of other sentient organisms, particularly when we are not forced to do so by hunger or dietary need, but rather do so for the somewhat frivolous reason that we like the taste of meat? In essence, should we know better? (Writing Quotes)
And now, advice for beginning mystics. Be sober, be intelligent, be educated, rely on the tangible reality as long as you can. Remember that the act of writing is a tiny part of a bigger something. Defend the value of the spiritual experience and if somebody tells you it’s an old fashioned notion, laugh loudly and serenely (Writing Quotes)
Step by step, you make your way forward. That’s why practices such as daily writing exercises or keeping a daily blog can be so helpful. You see yourself do the work, which shows you that you can do the work. Progress is reassuring and inspiring; panic and then despair set in when you find yourself getting nothing done day after day. One of the painful ironies of work life is that the anxiety of procrastination often makes people even less likely to buckle down in the future (Writing Quotes)
Not being able to read and write music is not the same as being illiterate in speech and writing (Writing Quotes)
I tend to avoid writing music about initial reactions to situations, like frustration or anger. I’d rather wait till I go through the problem, and write about the learning that took place (Writing Quotes)
I don’t drive, so one of my assistants drives me to my writing room, and I have a calendar on the wall telling me how much time I have left, and how far behind I am. I look at it and panic, and decide which scene to work on. And you sit there plonking notes until something makes sense, and you don’t think about it any more. Good tunes come when you’re not thinking about it (Writing Quotes)
I wake up around noon, light a cigarette, get a cup of coffee, sit in the bathtub for an hour and daydream, and I usually come up with some ideas... It’s a very irresponsible life. The only decisions I make are about the notes I’m writing (Writing Quotes)
Isn’t every human being both a scientist and an artist; and in writing of human experience, isn’t there a good deal to be said for recognizing that fact and for using both methods? (Writing Quotes)
Critics stopped being relevant when they stopped writing to inform and contextualize, and when they started writing to signal who they are, to display their identity by their stance on what they are writing about. Criticism should never be about the critic, but thats what it has become, and that’s why no one cares about them anymore (Writing Quotes)
Crime stories are our version of sitting round a camp fire and telling tales. We enjoy being scared under safe circumstances. That’s why there’s no tradition of crime writing in countries that have wars (Writing Quotes)
The goal is to be both disciplined and loose, so that the writing does not turn into a task or a chore. To leave myself behind, along with the mechanics, and disappear into the lives of my characters (Writing Quotes)
Mystery writing involves solving a puzzle, but high suspense writing is a situation whereby the writer thrusts the hero/heroine into high drama (Writing Quotes)