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Wyoming Quotes

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Wyoming is good, but Montana is like heaven on earth  (Wyoming Quotes) ... cahoots being a legal term in Wyoming, see cahooting in the first degree, intent to cahoot, and so on  (Wyoming Quotes) She was classic Wyoming, that indiscriminate age between thirty and a hundred where the women find a comfort for themselves and just settle in  (Wyoming Quotes) What's the difference between dragging a black man behind a truck in Jasper, Texas, and beating a white boy to death in Wyoming because he's gay?  (Wyoming Quotes) My mom has this great skiing event in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, every year for a local charity  (Wyoming Quotes) One of my major goals is to develop a web of the small Wyoming museums and create a major museum system. There are about eight of these museums, and they are all scattered  (Wyoming Quotes) Since then I have held many jobs at museums in Colorado and Wyoming. I have also taught summer courses at the University of Colorado  (Wyoming Quotes) Campaigning in Wyoming is politics at its most retail level. It’s done one voter at a time  (Wyoming Quotes) I live in Hollywood, California. It’s absolutely nothing like Absaroka County, Wyoming. For me, it’s a great escape and I really enjoy it  (Wyoming Quotes) Our state has a balanced budget. We have to live within our means in the state of Wyoming. I was in the state senate. This country needs a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. We need to live within our means.  (Wyoming Quotes) I grew up on the west side of Detroit - 6 mile and Wyoming - so I was really in the ‘hood. And I would go to school at Detroit Waldorf, and that was not the ‘hood. Growing up in Detroit was good. I had a good perspective, a well-rounded one, and not being one-sided.  (Wyoming Quotes) At his wife’s 60th birthday party in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Dick Cheney had a huge steak and battered onion rings for dinner. Afterwards he met with 100 donors, not campaign donors, heart donors  (Wyoming Quotes) I worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange back when they used to write tickets. And I was just a runner. So a guy would write a ticket and I would run it, and it was endless. That was a hard job. And I dug tungsten... for a coal company in Wyoming one summer, and that was pretty miserable.  (Wyoming Quotes) I remember as a little girl going down to the beet fields in the Dakotas and in Nebraska and Wyoming as migrant workers when I was very, very small, like, I was, like, 5 years old, I believe. And I remember going out there, you know, traveling to these states and living in these little tarpaper shacks that they had in Wyoming.  (Wyoming Quotes) Vice President Cheney is also on vacation. He’s in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. What better place for a guy who has had 4 heart attacks than a place with thin air, rugged hiking and all-beef dinners? Why don’t they get some snow for him to shovel while he’s out there, too?  (Wyoming Quotes)