Yasmin Mogahed Quotes

Text Quotes
If you want to kill something, neglect it. It happens in both good and bad. Neglect a relationship, it dies. Neglect your iman, it dies. But the same principal applies when you want to kill something like a thought or a desire. Neglect it, it dies (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Break in the hands of God, He’ll unbreak you. Break in the hands of people, you’ll remain forever broken. Break to no one, your heart will remain hard (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Before anything can break your heart, it must first own your heart. Stop handing your heart to dunya-it’ll stop breaking it (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you... And there are others who will understand - without you even speaking a word (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Many years ago, our father Ibrahim (AS) made a choice. He loved his son. But He loved God more. The commandment came to sacrifice his son. But it wasn’t his son that was slaughtered. It was his attachment to anything that could compete with his love for God. So let us ask ourselves in these beautiful days of sacrifice, which attachments do we need to slaughter? (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Embrace life and all that God gives you-but never let it contain you. This world is too small to contain you (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
When you’re in trouble don’t depend on yourself. Don’t depend on people. Depend on God (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
My dear sisters in humanity: Your beauty-both internal and external-is priceless. Only the man who marries you has a right to see it. Never forget, if he doesn’t want to marry you, he doesn’t deserve you (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Your life is nothing more than a love story. Between you and God. Nothing more. Every person, every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent to your path for one reason and one reason only: to bring you back to Him (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Do you struggle with confusion? Not knowing which way to go? Here’s why: We turn to means (help of creation, our own mind) before turning to God (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Tear your heart out of your chest. And hand it to God. There is no other healing. I swear, there is no other healing (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
If you’re having trouble waking up for fajr, set your alarm to play Quran. It works! (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Its shocking how many people believe hardships are a punishment from God! Every hardship is good for you-if it brings you closer to Him! (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
As a Muslim woman, I’ve been liberated from a silent kind of bondage. I don’t answer to the slaves of God on earth. I answer to their King. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Don’t despair if your heart has been through a lot of trauma. Sometimes that’s how beautiful hearts are remade: they are shattered first. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
You can search the world over, but you won’t find happiness until you realize that happiness isn’t getting what you want. It’s being content with what you already have. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
You refuse to forgive people, and yet on the Day of Judgment you will stand bare, begging Allah to forgive you. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Don’t lie to me. Don’t deceive me. Give me the truth. Even if it breaks me. A painful truth is better than a pleasant lie. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Allah manages everything in the heavens and earthÂ-the sun, the moon, the starsÂ-with perfection, and yet we don’t trust Him to manage our lives! (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Sometimes people have nothing to say because they’re too empty. And sometimes people have nothing to say because they’re too full. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
They say you don’t get over someone until you find someone or something better. As humans, we don’t deal well with emptiness. Any empty space must be filled. Immediately. The pain of emptiness is too strong. It compels the victim to fill that place. A single moment with that empty spot causes excruciating pain. That’s why we run from distraction to distraction and from attachment to attachment. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Don’t worry about what the people say. Sometimes they’ll praise you. Sometimes they’ll condemn you. All these things all fade away. And in the end, Allah takes care of everything. Perfectly. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Your heart is sacred land. Don’t let just anything enter it. Guard it with your life. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
This pain in your heart was created to make you yearn less for this life. And to yearn more for jennah. Allahu akbar (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Allah does not withhold to withhold. Remaking the heart was the objective. To remake it, He sometimes breaks it first. (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Resilience is very different than being numb. Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Don’t despair if your heart has been through a lot of trauma. Sometimes that’s how beautiful hearts are remade: they are shattered first (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
Loss; is the returning of what never actually belonged to us in the first place (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)
I think we seek out people who we hope will fix what our childhood broke (Yasmin Mogahed Quotes)