Year Quotes

Text Quotes
The style of ancient Egyptian art is transcendently clear, something 8 year olds can recognize in an instant. Its consistency and codification is one of the most epic visual journeys in all art, one that lasts 30 dynasties spread over 3,000 years (Year Quotes)
And then before going back for my sophomore year, I decided to change my major to arts and sciences, and my dad cut a deal with me: He said if I'd quit school he'd pay my rent for the next three years, as if I were in school (Year Quotes)
Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen (Year Quotes)
All of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value (Year Quotes)
If money titles meant anything, I'd play more tournaments. The only thing that means a lot to me is winning. If I have more wins than anybody else and win more majors than anybody else in the same year, then it's been a good year (Year Quotes)
I joined the air force. I took to it immediately when I arrived there. I did three years, eight months, and ten days in all, but it took me a year and a half to get disabused of my romantic notions about it (Year Quotes)
The main thing is healthy eating, exercise, which I do for special events, like if it's Sports Illustrated, or the swim suit catalogue for Victoria's Secret, or my own calendar that I did for the year 2000 (Year Quotes)
I just thought acting would be something to help out with my student loans, but my first year as an actress, I made more money than my parents. That's when I realized it could turn into a career. After that, I put everything I had into it (Year Quotes)
This is my 20th year in the sport. I've known swimming and that's it. I don't want to swim past age 30; if I continue after this Olympics, and come back in 2016, I'll be 31. I'm looking forward to being able to see the other side of the fence (Year Quotes)
I give away something up to $500 million a year throughout the world promoting Open Society. My foundations support people in the country who care about an open society. It's their work that I'm supporting. So it's not me doing it (Year Quotes)
Like to the time o' th' year between the extremes of hot and cold, he was not sad nor merry (Year Quotes)
After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land (Year Quotes)
A twenty one year old writer is likely to be inhibited by a lack of usable experience. Childhood and adolescence were something I knew (Year Quotes)
Because after my first year I had a lot of success, took everybody by storm, came back the next year thought it was easy and didn't have near the season I had the previous year. It was kind of a wake up call. And so, life goes on (Year Quotes)
I always wanted to ride a dragon myself, so I decided to do this for a year in my imagination (Year Quotes)
I think the tiniest little thing can change the course of your day, which can change the course of your year, which can change who you are (Year Quotes)
The business aspect is one of the most important things about having a music career, because every choice you make in a management meeting affects your life a year and a half from now (Year Quotes)
Take free money. No matter how in debt you are, if your employer offers a matching contribution on a 401(k) or other retirement vehicle, you must sign up and contribute enough to get the maximum company match each year. Think of it as a bonus (Year Quotes)
Every year, August lashes out in volcanic fury, rising with the din of morning traffic, its great metallic wings smashing against the ground, heating the air with ever - increasing intensity (Year Quotes)
As a 22 year Army Veteran who served in Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom, and as a Civilian Advisor to the Afghan Army in Operation Enduring Freedom, I understand both the gravity of giving the order, and the challenge of carrying it out (Year Quotes)
I do 280 episodes of TV a year, write 15 recipes for the magazine, and publish an annual book. With all of that, we try to get one weekend a month with Isaboo at our home in the Adirondacks to relax and recharge (Year Quotes)
To represent your country at a home Olympics is something special and I'm over the moon to be selected for Team GB. I was pleased to get the qualifying time in Berlin earlier this year and my sole focus is getting in the right shape for London (Year Quotes)
And we'll call you... Hmmm. Pudge. Huh? Pudge, the Colonel said. Because you're skinny. It's called irony, pudge. Heard of it? Now, let's go get some cigarettes and start this year off right (Year Quotes)
Marriage is something that needs to be worked on every day. I don't know if I'm the one to give marital advice since I've only been married for a little over a year, but marriage is certainly easier if you are open, trusting and loving (Year Quotes)
He had worked for an entire year to make a dream come true, and that dream, minute by minute, was becoming less important. Maybe cause that wasn't really his dream (Year Quotes)
The dirty little secret is that the pool man, who's making $30,000 a year, is subsidizing the million dollar mortgage for the family whose pool he cleans. No wonder people want to get rid of tax breaks for corporate jets (Year Quotes)
So, when it comes to eating healthy, it's just doing the right thing. And it's not something you have to do 365 days a year, but I think it's something you have to do 25 days a month. Let's put it that way (Year Quotes)
Next year, I hope there will be even more parties, lots of holidays and just having a good time, really. Plus wing - walking, air shows and learning to fly, as they are all things I want to do. I won't be restricted by age (Year Quotes)
I suffered, I really suffered, with all three of my husbands. And I tried damn hard with all three, starting each marriage certain that it was going to last until the end of my life. Yet none of them lasted more than a year or two (Year Quotes)
In the 20 long, hungry years between my late teens and late 30s I bought in to virtually every new diet and/or exercise regime that hoved into view, particularly at this most vulnerable time for those of us prone to poor body image - a new year (Year Quotes)