Yes Quotes

Text Quotes
In the eyes of God, all things are interlinked; justice does indeed spring in great surprise from the acts and consequences of ages long forgotten; that love is not broken by time (Yes Quotes)
The obituary writers drew their incomplete sketches, touring through his life like travelers to England who do not ever see swans, sheep, bicycles, and blue eyes (Yes Quotes)
One of the universal fears of childhood is the fear of not having value in the eyes of the people whom we admire so much (Yes Quotes)
Her eyes showed that though she may have decided to regret him, as long as he was in her presence she could not (Yes Quotes)
One thing that creates difference between pilgrims of life as they journey along the various paths of life is their head. It makes some fall, others rest and some pursue to the farther. The reason for the difference is not the size, shape, hair color or the style of their head but what is within their head, what fills their mind, what enters their ears; what their eyes look and see, what their ears hear and listen to; make some champions of life and others wanders of life (Yes Quotes)
Not only are selves conditional but they die. Each day, we wake slightly altered, and the person we were yesterday is dead. So why, one could say, be afraid of death, when death comes all the time? (Yes Quotes)
When I look at people fighting with ammunition and weapons of all kind I ponder within me;somehow as a cynic. Ammunition's and weapons are good for war; Yes, they are better necessities to winning battle but the best choice of weapons are neither ammunition nor the strength of a battalion of army but wisdom; a pen on a paper backed by a great mind (Yes Quotes)
I put my hands on my hips, not caring if I sounded like a Billingsgate fishwife. “Yes, it was a dangerous thing to do, but as it seems to have escaped your attention, I remind you I am above thirty years of age, of sound body and mind, and in control of my own fortune. That means, ” I said, moving closer still, poking his chest for emphasis, “I am mistress of myself and answer to no one (Yes Quotes)
For all my love little monsters I am your mom you are my child in my hand I protect you like my eyes but don't worry ill cacth you if you fall (Yes Quotes)
Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshipers met together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be, were they to become 'unity' conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship (Yes Quotes)
O god and father, I repent of my sinful preoccupation with visible things. The world has been too much with me. Thou hast been here and I knew it not. I have been blind to thy presence. Open my eyes that I may behold thee in and around me. For Christ's sake, amen (Yes Quotes)
The dark was hissing and hot and hard with a jagged bone, a cold brutal bone, and hips packed tight. The dark wasn't just at night. The dark was any time, any place; you open your eyes and the dark is there, right up against you, pressing. You can't see anything and you don't know any names, not who they are or the names for what they do (Yes Quotes)
I need the money, people are very coy about money, and the ladies aren't just coy, they are sci fi about money… …people ask, well, don't sweet things happen? yes, indeed, many sweet things, but sweet doesn't keep you from dying, making love doesn't keep you from dying unless you get paid, writing doesn't keep you from dying unless you get paid, being wise doesn't keep you from dying unless you get paid, facts are facts, being poor makes you face facts which also does not keep you from dying (Yes Quotes)
A cat's rage is beautiful, burning with pure cat flame, all its hair standing up and crackling blue sparks, eyes blazing and sputtering (Yes Quotes)
You know, they ask me if I were on a desert island and I knew nobody would ever see what I wrote, would I go on writing. My answer is most emphatically yes. I would go on writing for company. Because I'm creating an imaginary - it's always imaginary - world in which I would like to live (Yes Quotes)
The truth of Wesley's words is established before our eyes: "Orthodoxy, or right opinion, is, at best, a very slender part of religion. Though right tempers cannot subsist without right opinions, yet right opinions may subsist without right tempers. There may be a right opinion of God without either love or one right temper toward Him. Satan is a proof of this." (Yes Quotes)
I see the time coming when all the holy men whose eyes have been opened by the Spirit will desert worldly Evangelicalism, one by one (Yes Quotes)
Ever see a hot shot hit, kid? I saw the Gimp catch one in Philly. We rigged his room with a one-way whorehouse mirror and charged a sawski to watch it. He never got the needle out of his arm. They don't if the shot is right. That's the way they find them, dropper full of clotted blood hanging out of a blue arm. The look in his eyes when it hit - - Kid, it was tasty (Yes Quotes)
Actually, if you could see close in my eyes, the American flag is waving in both of them and up my spine is growing this red, white and blue stripe (Yes Quotes)
That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don't remember what it's like to be twelve years old. They patronize; they treat children as inferiors. I won't do that. I'll temper a story, yes. But I won't play down, and I won't patronize (Yes Quotes)
How many years threaded on a needle of blood? Hands slack on lap he sits looking out at the winter dawn with the cancelled eyes of junk (Yes Quotes)
Lee watched the thin hands, the beautiful violet eyes, the flush of excitement on the boy's face. An imaginary hand projected with such force it seemed Allerton must feel the touch of ectoplasmic fingers caressing his ear, phantom thumbs smoothing his eyebrows, pushing the hair back from his face. Now Lee's hands were running down his ribs, the stomach. Lee felt the aching pain of desire in his lungs (Yes Quotes)
The history of humanity is the history of human freedom... Freedom is not, as Engels thought, "the recognition of necessity." Freedom is the opposite of necessity. Freedom is necessity overcome. Progress is, in essence, the progressof human freedom. Yes, and after all, life itself is freedom. The evolution of life is the evolution of freedom (Yes Quotes)
Both his voice and eyes had the burning cold of alcohol. His strength no longer lay in his military experience or his knowledge of the map, but in his harsh, impetuous soul (Yes Quotes)
The ears were large, flaring forward, the eyes limpid amber, in which the pupil floated like a glittering jewel, changing color with shifts of the light: obsidian, emerald, ruby, opal, amethyst, diamond (Yes Quotes)
The hide was being flayed off the still living body of the revolution so that a new age could slip in to it; as for the red bloody meat, the steaming innards - they were being thrown onto the scrapheap. The new age needed only the hide of the revolution - and this was being flayed off people who were still alive. Those who slipped into it spoke the language of the revolution and mimicked it's gestures, but their brains, lungs, livers and eyes were utterly different (Yes Quotes)
Hardly anything else reveals so well the fear and uncertainty among men as the length to which they will go to hide their true selves from each other and even from their own eyes (Yes Quotes)
She's got legs like a stork, no arse worth speaking of, and great cow-like eyes. call that a woman?' 'You just like big tits', chentsov retorted. 'That's an outmoded, pre-revolutionary point of view (Yes Quotes)
Most people don't notice what's going on around them. That's my principal message to writers: for God's sake, keep your eyes open (Yes Quotes)
At times everything grows misty and dark before my eyes, and I feel that the strength of my whole body is oozing away through my finger tips (Yes Quotes)