Yest Quotes

Text Quotes
Lay hold of life with both hands, whenever thou mayest seize it, it is interesting (Yest Quotes)
You become the victim of the past, and your tormentor today is your self left over from yesterday (Yest Quotes)
With most men, scarce a link of memory holds yesterday and today together (Yest Quotes)
It doesn’t have anything to do with yesterday or tomorrow, it’s all right now (Yest Quotes)
Where is yesterday?... And where is the fiddler and where is the dance? (Yest Quotes)
How many things served us yesterday for articles of faith, which today are fables for us? (Yest Quotes)
An honest curator will admit that judgement is fallible, especially for art made yesterday (Yest Quotes)
Now that it’s all over, what did you really do yesterday that’s worth mentioning? (Yest Quotes)
Let lessons of stern yesterdays... Be your food, your drink, your rest (Yest Quotes)
There are two days in the week on which I never worry; one is yesterday and the other is tomorrow (Yest Quotes)
How many things served us but yesterday as articles of faith, which today we deem but fables? (Yest Quotes)
The best thing about baseball is that you can do something about yesterday tomorrow (Yest Quotes)
Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and you make your tomorrow (Yest Quotes)
Each day has its own destiny. Yesterday is history, today is opportunity while tomorrow is mystery (Yest Quotes)
The best time to write a story is yesterday. The next best time is today (Yest Quotes)
Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon (Yest Quotes)
If you have one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrow, you’re pissing all over today (Yest Quotes)
None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows (Yest Quotes)
A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday does not know where it is today (Yest Quotes)
The dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today and the reality of tomorrow (Yest Quotes)
Dead yesterdays and unborn tomorrows, why fret about it, if today be sweet (Yest Quotes)
The deplorable thing is that the people who were tortured yesterday, torture today (Yest Quotes)
It hurts the most when the person that made you feel special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today (Yest Quotes)
As long as you have memories, yesterday remains. As long as you have hopes, tomorrow awaits. As long as you have friends, no day is a waste (Yest Quotes)
One day when Pooh was thinking, he thought he would go and see Eeyore, because he hadn't seen him since yesterday (Yest Quotes)
Oftentimes have we reflected on a similar abuse In the choice of men for office, and of coins for common use; for your old and standard pieces, valued and approved and tried, here among the Grecian nations, and in all the world beside, recognized in every realm for trusty stamp and pure assay, are rejected and abandoned for the trash of yesterday; for a vile, adulterate issue, drossy, counterfeit and base, which the traffic of the city passes current in their place! (Yest Quotes)
Morning signifies a new beginning. So this morning start by forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you made yesterday and look forward to the promising day that lies ahead of you. Have a good morning! (Yest Quotes)
Don't start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every morning we wake is the first day of the rest of your life (Yest Quotes)
Never forget yesterday, but always live for today. You never know what tomorrow can bring, or what it can take away (Yest Quotes)
If thy friends be of better quality than thyself, thou mayest be sure of two things: the first, that they will be more careful to keep thy counsel, because they have more to lose than thou hast; the second, they will esteem thee for thyself, and not for that which thou dost possess (Yest Quotes)