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Yesterday Quotes

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Never use ur failure yesterday as an excuse for not trying again today. U may not be able to undo damages but u can always make a new start  (Yesterday Quotes) You cannot erase the past; you must let it go. You cannot change yesterday; you must accept the lessons learned  (Yesterday Quotes) The only way you can regret yesterday is when you haven’t learned anything from it. Whatever you worry about is in the past, and there’s nothing you can do to change it  (Yesterday Quotes) Regardless of how badly you handled yesterday, today provides a fresh opportunity to do things right  (Yesterday Quotes) I don’t care if it was yesterday or just fifteen minutes ago, the past is the past, and I don’t plan on looking back on it  (Yesterday Quotes) You are not what happened to you yesterday, you are what you choose to become today  (Yesterday Quotes) A pleasant traveling companion on a journey is as good as a carriage. Each day is the scholar of yesterday  (Yesterday Quotes) The past should be left in the past or it can steal your future. Live life for what tomorrow can bring and not what yesterday has taken away. Every day is a gift  (Yesterday Quotes) It is not important to be better than someone else, but to be better than yesterday  (Yesterday Quotes) Just keep going and keep thinking, I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday  (Yesterday Quotes) Can’t believe I’m a senior, I feel like I just walked through the doors of high school like yesterday  (Yesterday Quotes) Taboos are falling across our culture like dominoes. What was unspeakable yesterday dominates talk shows today  (Yesterday Quotes) Live each day like it’s a new challenge, don’t let the obstacles of yesterday stop you from moving forward  (Yesterday Quotes) Start every morning ready to run farther than you did yesterday. Fight harder than you ever have before. Life isn’t easy, but its worth it  (Yesterday Quotes) Moving on isn’t about never looking back. It’s about taking a glance at yesterday and noticing how much you’ve grown since then  (Yesterday Quotes) I was smiling yesterday. I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow simply because life is too short to cry for anything  (Yesterday Quotes) Moving on is not about not looking back. It’s taking a glance at yesterday, and seeing how much you have grown since then  (Yesterday Quotes) Living in the moment, without attaching yourself to regrets about yesterday or worries about tomorrow, goes a long way toward cutting through the chaos of everyday life  (Yesterday Quotes) There are two days in the year that we can not do anything, yesterday and tomorrow  (Yesterday Quotes) Smile!!! Let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday? And you will be  (Yesterday Quotes) If all there’s left to do is walk away, then baby I’m as gone as yesterday  (Yesterday Quotes) Everyday is a gift and not a given so live tomorrow today, and say goodbye to yesterday  (Yesterday Quotes) Its amazing that I’m not the same person I was yesterday, or the same person I was a couple months ago. I constantly keep trying to improve!  (Yesterday Quotes) The biggest gift you’ve ever have is today, cause yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come  (Yesterday Quotes) I’m the type of person that will burst out laughing in dead silence over something that happened yesterday  (Yesterday Quotes) You know what hurts so much? It’s when someone made you feel special yesterday, but makes you feel like you’re a nobody today  (Yesterday Quotes) As history has proven time and time again, the dream of yesterday is often is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow  (Yesterday Quotes) As long as we have memories, yesterday remains. As long as we have hopes, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have friendship, each day is never a waste  (Yesterday Quotes) If you wake up worried about yesterday, you ruin the opportunity of today  (Yesterday Quotes) The fact that you can remember yesterday but not tomorrow is because of entropy. The fact that you’re always born young and then you grow older, and not the other way around like Benjamin Button - it’s all because of entropy. So I think that entropy is underappreciated as something that has a crucial role in how we go through life  (Yesterday Quotes)
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