Yet Quotes

Text Quotes
Reasoning at every step he treads, man yet mistakes his way, whilst meaner things, whom instinct leads, are rarely known to stray (Yet Quotes)
Property is unstable, and youth perishes in a moment. Life itself is held in the grinning fangs of death, yet men delay to obtain release from the world. Alas, the conduct of mankind is surprising (Yet Quotes)
My friends, do they now and then send a wish or a thought after me? O tell me I yet have a friend, though a friend I am never to see (Yet Quotes)
England, with all thy faults, I love thee still - my country! And, while yet a nook is left Where English minds and manners may be found, shall be constrained to love thee (Yet Quotes)
His head, not yet by time completely silvered o'er, bespoke him past the bounds of freakish youth, but strong for service still, and unimpaired (Yet Quotes)
I would not enter on my list of friends (Though graced with polish'd manner and fine sense, yet wanting sensibility) the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm (Yet Quotes)
Anxiety splits our energy between today's priorities and tomorrow's problems. Part of our mind is on the now; the rest is on the not yet. The result is half minded living (Yet Quotes)
Of courtesy it is much less than courage of heart or holiness yet in my walks it seems to me that the grace of God is in courtesy (Yet Quotes)
He whistles as he goes, light hearted wretch, cold and yet cheerful; messenger of grief Perhaps to thousands, and of joy to some (Yet Quotes)
The key is this: Meet today's problems with today's strength. Don't start tackling tomorrow's problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow's strength yet. You simply have enough for today (Yet Quotes)
That exasperating quality for which we have no name, which certainly is not accuracy, and which is quite the opposite of judgement, yet which catches the mind as brambles do our clothes (Yet Quotes)
I had rather be in my grave than in my present situation, I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world; and yet they charge me with wanting to be a king (Yet Quotes)
Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless (Yet Quotes)
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks (Yet Quotes)
Yet the same God who sustained Job's faith sustains ours. God, not the strength of our faith, is our hope (Yet Quotes)
And yet, old friend, books do not age as you and I do. They will speak still when we are gone, to generations we will never see. Yes, the books must survive (Yet Quotes)
No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still; with Jesus even in our darkest moments, the best remains and the very best is yet to be (Yet Quotes)
It's the strangest thing about being human: to know so much, to communicate so much, and yet always to fall so drastically short of clarity, to be, in the end, so isolate and inadequate (Yet Quotes)
There are those who say that to know God you must overcome all earthly passions. Yet to understand and accept them is enough. What you resist persists. What you look at disappears (Yet Quotes)
There may yet be another Watergate book. I have thought a book about the aftermath of Watergate and its impact could be done, perhaps by me or someone else (Yet Quotes)
Ah yet, ere I descend to the grave, may I a small house and large garden have; and a few friends, and many books, both true, both wise and both delightful too (Yet Quotes)
Yet I cannot be magnificent unless there is something to choose from. Some part of me must be less than magnificent for me to choose the part of me which is magnificent (Yet Quotes)
And yet, because I love thee, I obtain from that same love this vindicating grace, to live on still in love, and yet in vain (Yet Quotes)
Alas, I have grieved so I am hard to love. Yet love me wilt thou? Open thine heart wide, and fold within, the wet wings of thy dove (Yet Quotes)
Daytime sleep is like the sin of the flesh; the more you have the more you want, and yet you feel unhappy, sated and unsated at the same time (Yet Quotes)
The light in her eyes was beyond description, yet it did not instill improper thoughts: it inspired a love tempered by awe, purifying the hearts it inflamed (Yet Quotes)
We are not supposed to go down into the darkness of the core. Yet, if we can risk it, the something born of that nothing is the beginning of truth (Yet Quotes)
And yet, protest it if we will, some corner of the mind retains the medieval man, who still keeps watch upon those starry skeins and drives us out of doors at night to gaze at anagrams of light (Yet Quotes)
Yet we can't wait for the undamaged to make our connections for us; we can't wait to speak until we are wholly clear and righteous. There is no purity, and, in our lifetimes, no end to this process (Yet Quotes)
He lay in his stony crypt like his own corpse, hardly breathing, his heart hardly beating - and yet lived as intensively and dissolutely as ever a rake had lived in the wide world outside (Yet Quotes)