Yet Quotes

Text Quotes
Love is when you can sit in front of each other for hours not saying anything, yet feel like you’ve had the best conversation possible. Love is when you can spend hours on end thinking about each other even when planets apart! (Yet Quotes)
Nothing is more satisfying than to write a good sentence. It is no fun to write lumpishly, dully, in prose the reader must plod through like wet sand. But it is a pleasure to achieve, if one can, a clear running prose that is simple yet full of surprises. This does not just happen. It requires skill, hard work, a good ear, and continued practice (Yet Quotes)
A person is quite different from a tree or rock or stream. By introducing the nude into my pictures, I started perceiving all the things I was photographing in new ways. In contrast or opposition to each other, things became much more significant and interesting, revealing many more qualities than I had ever dreamed of knowing and expressing. By using the nude, I stopped thinking in terms of objects. I was seeing things, instead, as dynamic events, unique in their own beings yet also related and existing together within a universal context of energy and change (Yet Quotes)
It is so basic. A human being is an innocent part of nature. Our civilization has distorted this universal quality that allows us to feel at home in our skin. Other animals have coats that they accept, but the human race has yet to come to terms with being nude (Yet Quotes)
The planning stage of a cruise is often just as enjoyable as the voyage itself, letting one’s imagination loose on all kinds of possibilities. Yet translating dreams into reality means a lot of practical questions have to be answered (Yet Quotes)
Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized (Yet Quotes)
There are many tired gardeners but I’ve seldom met old gardeners. I know many elderly gardeners but the majority are young at heart. Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized. The one absolute of gardeners is faith. Regardless of how bad past gardens have been, every gardener believes that next year’s will be better. It is easy to age when there is nothing to believe in, nothing to hope for, gardeners, however, simply refuse to grow up (Yet Quotes)
Aren’t the stars beautiful? Thousands of them twinkling so far from us, yet so near. Who knows what it’s like in the universe where they are?... I can’t breathe when I look at them. I bet somewhere out there we could understand what life is really about, and find a way to bring a bit more meaning into this world (Yet Quotes)
Your imagination is the single most important asset you possess. Your imagination is your power to create mental pictures of things that don’t exist yet and that you want to bring into being. Your imagination is what you use to shape your future. And so in your own way, you are a prophet. You generate countless predictions every day. Your imagination is the source,tirelessly churning out mental pictures of what you’ll be doing in the future (Yet Quotes)
Cabbage as a food has problems. It is easy to grow, a useful source of greenery for much of the year. Yet as a vegetable it has original sin, and needs improvement. It can smell foul in the pot, linger through the house with pertinacity, and ruin a meal with its wet flab. Cabbage also has a nasty history of being good for you (Yet Quotes)
We are a country that prides itself on power and wealth, yet there are millions of children who go hungry every day. It is our responsibility, not only as a nation, but also as individuals, to get involved. So, next time you pass someone on the street who is in need, remember how lucky you are, and don’t turn away (Yet Quotes)
Individual and team discipline ultimately come down to practicing a small set of principles over a long period of time. Success is not a matter of mastering subtle, sophisticated theory, but rather embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. Said in yet another way, discipline is to an athlete what scales are to a musician. Mastering the scales is what allows the musician to perform music. Mastering the skills of self discipline is what enables a person to become an accomplished elite athlete (Yet Quotes)
We have a natural constant craving for leadership. Democracy is always a fragile and imperfect achievement. Yet a distinct feeling of malaise in our political culture lingers. There is something missing from our public debates (Yet Quotes)
Rather than put ourselves down continually, we must work hard to concentrate on our positives, focusing on that which makes us unique and likable. We all have things that we would change if we could. Even people who we think have it all, don’t. Nobody has it all because no one is perfect. We all realize this and yet continue to criticize and insult ourselves. Now is the time to stop this nonsense! Change what you can change and accept the rest as a necessary part of your own unique humanity. Make peace with who you are (Yet Quotes)
For me, laughter is how we take a much needed break from the heartache, such that when we turn to face it again, it has by some miracle grown smaller in size and intensity, yet not disappeared altogether (Yet Quotes)
The concept of recovery is rooted in the simple yet profound realization that people who have been diagnosed with mental illness are human beings (Yet Quotes)
How do you tell somebody how to find what they’re looking for when ten years ago you came from the same place, and have yet to find it yourself? (Yet Quotes)
Is it possible to be alive, active in the world, and yet have such calm, such kind of inner openness and presence that one can lead a life, at least in part, that is an expression of that quality of meditative quiescence that’s on the one hand quite alert and on the other hand, completely at ease, completely at rest (Yet Quotes)
Even if a man should chance to speak the most complete truth, yet he himself does not know it; all things are wrapped in appearances (Yet Quotes)
It was going to be a long, dark night but not quite as dark as it was in the abyss of his heart where there was nothing but hollowness, yet it felt heavy, almost as if someone still resided there (Yet Quotes)
They hadn’t even gotten their first paychecks yet,... My biggest thing was giving them a sense of reality and what costs would be. We outlined costs and a budget, and by the time we finished they said they could take maybe one vacation a year. They started to understand reality versus their dreams (Yet Quotes)
More than any of us, she had written her own story; yet she could not wash it out with all her tears, return to her victims what she had torn from them, and by so doing, save herself (Yet Quotes)
Adversity challenges the masks we hide behind, revealing sides of ourselves we have not yet comfortably with the world outside. It is why we dislike adversity, because we have to face what we don’t yet understand about ourselves (Yet Quotes)
I really haven’t made up my mind yet. A lot of people have encouraged me to consider running, and others have cautioned against it, saying it’s a good way to ruin your life (Yet Quotes)
There is something magical about running; after a certain distance, it transcends the body. Then a bit further, it transcends the mind. A bit further yet, and what you have before you, laid bare, is the soul (Yet Quotes)
New media is... an amazing form of direct marketing in that you really get a sense of who your customer is, and you also get to know those people who may not be your customers yet but are aspirational and are hoping to be (Yet Quotes)
There is a moment in the history of every nation, when... the perceptive powers reach their ripeness and have not yet become microscopic: so that man, at that instant... with his feet still planted on the immense forces of night, converses by his eyes and brain with solar and stellar creation (Yet Quotes)
She watched the gap between ship and shore grow to a huge gulf. Perhaps this was a little like dying, the departed no longer visible to the others, yet both still existed, only in different worlds (Yet Quotes)
I had a lot of challenges losing the weight. I still haven’t lost the weight yet and I don’t plan on going back to the body I used to be at. I love my sexy curves! (Yet Quotes)
Domestic violence can be so easy for people to ignore, as it often happens without any witnesses and it is sometimes easier not to get involved. Yet, by publicly speaking out against domestic violence, together we can challenge attitudes towards violence in the home and show that domestic violence is a crime and not merely unacceptable (Yet Quotes)