Yet Quotes

Text Quotes
I think that the world ended a long time ago and no one realizes it. We’re in a dream somewhere in a vortex of energy that just hasn’t realized its nonexistence yet (Yet Quotes)
Is the world ruled by strict laws or not? This question I regard as metaphysical. The laws we find are always hypotheses; which means that they may always be superseded, and that they may possibly be deduced from probability estimates. Yet denying causality would be the same as attempting to persuade the theorist to give up his search; and that such an attempt cannot be backed by anything like a proof (Yet Quotes)
Paintings exist in the present tense, yet somehow, because of how it’s structured, it can move backwards through time as well (Yet Quotes)
When you get into fashion, when you’re not yet working in fashion, you have this idea about what the fashion world is: that it’s very glamorous, it’s the red carpet, it’s very editorial. But really, what you don’t understand until you get into it, is what goes on the rest of the time, which is just hard work. Besides passion and dedication, it’s the grit. How long are you willing to be in it to become successful? (Yet Quotes)
I had always made pictures as I thought I saw the world, focusing on what lay in front, but this is not how one sees the world. It only frames the centre and cuts off the lateral vision, which lies unfocused. Now I found that I could turn my eye to the adjacent field of vision, seeing another focus, an extension which I added to the original. Instead of stopping at two focuses, I looked further to the side, adding another and yet another (Yet Quotes)
Mysterious spaces cause us to turn inward. Amid a rich upwelling of association, we encounter many aspects of ourselves. As we grow still, we come in contact with a unified, empty, yet full ground of our being. As our consciousness grows more spacious, we find connections between us and the wider world, a shared greater reality (Yet Quotes)
What we think of as physical reality is an intermingling of appropriate realities, a fluid massive consciousness in which each of us exists independently of each other and yet coexists interdependently with each other (Yet Quotes)
Never, in all of the seventy billion humans who have walked this planet since the beginning of time has there been anyone exactly like you. Never, until the end of time, will there be another such as you. You have shown no knowledge or appreciation of your uniqueness. Yet, you are the rarest thing in the world (Yet Quotes)
This is the greatest paradox: the emotions cannot be trusted; yet it is the emotions that tell us the greatest truths (Yet Quotes)
One must not count in thousands, like the propagandist belonging to a small group that has not yet given leadership to the masses; in these circumstances one must count in millions and tens of millions (Yet Quotes)
Liberty cannot be sacrificed for the sake of temperance, for the sake of morality, or for the sake of anything. It is of more value than everything. Yet some people would destroy the sun to prevent the growth of weeds. Liberty sustains the same relation to all the virtues that the sun does to life (Yet Quotes)
Examining the actual contents of my crying, I found a quailing sludge emotion, with a foul insecticide taste. If it was a peanut, you would spit it out. Yet I was indulging this toxic goo, giving it its head and letting it dictate my actions. People had every good reason to despise me (Yet Quotes)
The bad mood fairy comes to annoy you only when you are actually in a good position, but don’t yet realise it! (Yet Quotes)
Doing my art came out of something very solitary and something that I had no intention of showing anybody, and yet once people saw pieces in my house, it became really clear that there was a great demand for my art (Yet Quotes)
A story can fly like a bee, so straight and swift you catch only the hum of its passing. Or move so slowly it seems motionless, curled in upon itself like a snake in the sun. It can vanish like smoke before the wind. Linger like perfume in the nose. Change with every telling, yet always remain the same (Yet Quotes)
I like to be aware of a book as a piece of writing, and aware of its structure as a product of mind, and yet I want to be able to see the represented world through it. I admire artists who succeed in dividing my attention more or less evenly between the world of their books and the art of their books... so that a reader may study the work with pleasure as well as the world that it describes (Yet Quotes)
This morning I looked at the books on my shelves and thought that they have no knowledge of my existence. They come to life because I open them and turn their pages, and yet they don’t know that I am their reader (Yet Quotes)
Aside from certain rare cancers, it is not possible to detect any sudden changes in the death rates for any of the major cancers that could be credited to chemotherapy. Whether any of the common cancers can be cured by chemotherapy has yet to be established (Yet Quotes)
When the old way of seeing was displaced, a hollowness came into architecture. Our buildings show a constant effort to fill that void, to recapture that sense of life which was once to be found in any house or shed. Yet the sense of place is not to be recovered through any attitude, device, or style, but through the principles of pattern, spirit, and context (Yet Quotes)
Seemingly minor yet persistent things penetrate the mind over time making it difficult to ever realize the impact; hence, though quite unfortunate, the most dangerous forms of corruption are those that are subtle and below the radar (Yet Quotes)
Tolerance never exists without negative judgment. It is the sentiment of having a negative opinion about something yet still putting up with it (Yet Quotes)
If truth is like the terrain, are we the generation who sees it as one who has worn shoes all his life or one who has never worn shoes? Yet still, even if the walk starts out as painful, the experience may be well worth it (Yet Quotes)
It is the philosophers, theologians, and evangelists who are said to be filled with pride and bigotry due to the strong convictions that they represent. On the contrary, teachings can be either taken or dismissed; whereas voting is the only thing the average person can do to force everyone to live how they would prefer. A simple vote is among the largest yet most acceptable forms of bigotry, and that is because people play the card only when they feel that in doing so it conveniences themselves (Yet Quotes)
I will make an attempt to attain freedom, the youthful soul says to itself; and is it to be hindered in this by the fact that two nations happen to hate and fight one another, or that two continents are separated by an ocean, or that all around it a religion is taught with did not yet exist a couple of thousand years ago. All that is not you, it says to itself. No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone (Yet Quotes)
The questions most furiously discussed are those which have in them a basis of truth, and yet a large admixture of errors. We inconsiderately take hold of, and mistakingly support or oppose them, as either wholly true or wholly false (Yet Quotes)
My theory about writing is that one should write books you’d like to read, but no one else has written yet. So, as long as I stick with that, I’m entertaining myself, and then hopefully my readers as well. I hope to God I realize that I’m repeating myself, if I ever do. But if I don’t, I’m sure my readers will let me know (Yet Quotes)
Ideas first and last: yet it is not till these are formulated and utilized that the devotees of the common sense discern their value and advantages. The idealist is the capitalist on whose resources multitudes are maintained life long. Ideas in the head set hands about their several tasks, thus carrying forward all human endeavors to their issues (Yet Quotes)
If children are apparently unable to learn, we should assume that we have not as yet found the right way to teach them (Yet Quotes)
Death happens but once, yet we feel it every moment of our lives; it is worse to dread it than to suffer it (Yet Quotes)
Some men promise to keep your secret and yet reveal it without knowing they are doing so; they do not wag their lips, and yet they are understood; it is read on their brow and in their eyes; it is seen through their breast; they are transparent (Yet Quotes)