Yet Quotes

Text Quotes
We have no evidence as yet about mind or the power to think; it seems to be a widely different kind of soul, differing as what is eternal from what is perishable; it alone is capable of existence in isolation from all other psychic powers (Yet Quotes)
There also appears to be another element in the soul, which, though irrational, yet in a manner participates in rational principle (Yet Quotes)
Even if we could suppose the citizen body to be virtuous, without each of them being so, yet the latter would be better, for in the virtue of each the virtue of all is involved (Yet Quotes)
We must build an agenda for speedy yet sustainable economic growth that is inclusive of all, is respectful of individuals, responsive to innovation and responsible towards the future generations (Yet Quotes)
I’ve never voted. I’ve never voted yet although I could have voted for the last ten years (Yet Quotes)
The present is the merest flicker between the long long time past and the things that haven’t yet happened but most assuredly will (Yet Quotes)
Women have helped shape our world, yet still do not receive the recognition and compensation they deserve (Yet Quotes)
Today, I am blessed to be living a dream. And yet, if it all went away tomorrow, I know I would still have peace (Yet Quotes)
Be not in despair, the way is very difficult, like walking on the edge of a razor; yet despair not, arise, awake, and find the ideal, the goal (Yet Quotes)
Yet I pity the poor wretch, though he’s my enemy. He’s yoked to an evil delusion, but the same fate could be mine. I see clearly: we who live are all phantoms, fleeing shadows (Yet Quotes)
Over the years, our political system has degenerated to the extent that it is difficult for anyone to make any headway yet keep his hands clean (Yet Quotes)
That which we have lived is nothing; that which we live is a point; that which we have to live is not yet a point, but may be a point which, together, shall be and shall have been (Yet Quotes)
It doesn’t seem like it’s been 50 years. I don’t even feel like I’m 50 years old yet, though I’ve had all these knee and back operations (Yet Quotes)
Yet, every now and then, there would pass a young girl, slender, fair and desirable, arousing in young men a not ignoble desire to possess her, and stirring in old men regrets for ecstasy not seized and now forever past (Yet Quotes)
To me there is nothing that goes against nature. If it seems incomprehensible, its only because we havent been able to understand it yet (Yet Quotes)
Most people who have found that they are more intelligent than most around them, have yet to learn that one of the most intelligent things they can do is prevent said people ever finding this out (Yet Quotes)
No one teaches you how to think about money in medical school or residency. Yet, from the moment you start practicing, you must think about it. You must consider what is covered for a patient and what is not (Yet Quotes)
I don’t want to be one of those easily forgotten people, so important at the time, so special, so influential, and so treasured, yet years later just a vague face and a distant memory (Yet Quotes)
There was emptiness more profound than the void between the stars, for which there was no here and there and before and after, and yet out of that void the entire plenum of existence sprang forth (Yet Quotes)
I hadn’t had a perfect moment yet. And it’s very important for me to have perfect moments in exotic countries like that... it kind of lets you know when it’s time to go home (Yet Quotes)
Sex is a highly personal matter, yet it seems to get more impersonal all the time. How do I feel about sex? I suppose it matters with whom (Yet Quotes)
What’s the most outrageous thing I’ve ever done? Let’s just say I don’t think I’ve done it yet. The most outrageous thing is yet to come (Yet Quotes)
I’m not able to tell you what the best song is yet, because there’s more to come. I feel that in me. I can still feel the burning energy and the desire to create and create and create (Yet Quotes)
Innovation is often the hidden thing, because we can’t put numbers to it. And yet it’s the thing that defines the way we live, the things we’d like to have for everyone whether it’s health or education (Yet Quotes)
The most available example of how poetry works for a poet is yourself, and yet you’ll probably be the last one to know exactly how you’re serving the art and how the art is serving you (Yet Quotes)
One of the most difficult things for any artist to do is create a world that looks both completely alien yet real and possible (Yet Quotes)
Passion is the driver of achievement in all fields. Some people love doing things they don’t feel they’re good at. That may be because they underestimate their talents or haven’t yet put the work in to develop them (Yet Quotes)
By working hard, old man, I hope to make something good one day. I haven’t yet, but I am pursuing it and fighting for it (Yet Quotes)
I did not myself know what I wanted: I feared life, desired to escape from it, yet still hoped something of it (Yet Quotes)
My whole thing is, I collect what I know I want to read, and I have certain bookshelves in my bedroom that contain all the books I haven’t read yet (Yet Quotes)