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I haven’t seen so much tippy-toeing around since the last time I went to the ballet. When members of the arts community were askedthis week about one of their biggest benefactors, Philip Morris, and its requests that they lobby the New York City Council on the company’s behalf, the pas de deux of self- justification was so painstakingly choreographed that it constituted a performance all by itself  (York Quotes) The last publicized center of American writing was Manhattan. Its writers became known as the New York Intellectuals. With important connections to publishing, and universities, with access to the major book reviews, they were able to pose as the vanguard of American culture when they were so obsessed with the two Joes--McCarthy and Stalin--that they were to produce only two artists, Saul Bellow and Philip Roth, who left town  (York Quotes) Cardinal Dolan, of course, has a very, very hard job: trying to hold up Catholic family values in sexually liberal New York City. I’m not saying New York is the Gay Mecca. But it’s at least Gay-rusalem  (York Quotes) Nature is impersonal, awe-inspiring, elegant, eternal. It’s geometrically perfect. It’s tiny and gigantic. You can travel far to be in a beautiful natural setting, or you can observe it in your backyard - or, in my case, in the trees lining New York City sidewalks, or in the clouds above skyscrapers  (York Quotes) I like it here in New York. I like the idea of having to keep eyes in the back of your head all the time  (York Quotes) The first time I had sushi, I hated it. And the second time was no different, and then, I just started loving it. I actually crave for sushi. It’s one of the healthiest meals. My experiments with food began when I was working in New York as an architect, be it Korean or Ethiopian food or fusion food  (York Quotes) In the the late seventies and early eighties, I played background roles in thirty movies... Woody Allen movies, Scorsese films, you name it. Whatever was being shot in New York, I was doing stand-in and background work because I wanted to be close to the camera; I wanted to see what was going on  (York Quotes) Rome, like Washington, is small enough, quiet enough, for strong personal intimacies; Rome, like Washington, has its democratic court and its entourage of diplomatic circle; Rome, like Washington, gives you plenty of time and plenty of sunlight. In New York we have annihilated both  (York Quotes) Animation had been used only for things like King Kong and the destruction of cities, which was very popular in the 1950s. I got tired of destroying cities. I destroyed New York, I destroyed San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, Rome, and Washington. I was looking for a new outlet, and I came across the Sinbad legends  (York Quotes) When I was a little kid, all I wanted to do was to escape what I thought was the country and get to a city. Probably film and television had influenced me so much, I really thought the key to happiness was living a very artificial life in a penthouse in New York with martini glasses  (York Quotes) That could sound arrogant, I guess, but sometimes I feel like I have a bit of a Zelig thing. I’ll blend in wherever. I’m from the South, so I’ll have a Southern accent when I’m home. But if I’m up here in New York, I have a British accent  (York Quotes) [Columbia House] magazines were how I found out about the punk world going on in New York. Because of what I read, at the age of 15, I hounded the local record store to order a copy of Horses [1975] for me by Patti Smith  (York Quotes) I just love building buildings. I’m the largest developer in New York City. I’m having a lot of fun doing it. I think I’ve never had more fun. I’m just enjoying my life  (York Quotes) The New York Times is reporting that back in the 60s, presidential candidate Howard Dean used a letter from a doctor about a back condition to keep himself out of the draft in Vietnam and then spent 10 months skiing. Well it sounds like he’s done the impossible. He actually made Bill Clinton and George Bush look like war heroes  (York Quotes) According to the New York Daily News, Geraldo said he is now carrying a gun, and he will personally shoot Osama bin Laden if he finds him. If Osama also has a gun, this could work out okay  (York Quotes) How come regional pandering only works in one direction, right? You never see a Southern politician trying to win votes in New York State by saying, ‘I read books and make a mean vegan meatloaf.’  (York Quotes) New York is full of abandoned churches. A Godless city, but full of superstitions on every subject--art, money, sex, food, health  (York Quotes) He (Lyndon B. Johnson) wanted to see poverty, so he came to see my team (1964 New York Mets)  (York Quotes) Presidential candidate Donald Trump had a meeting with Ted Cruz. He said he does not know why he agreed to fly to New York to meet Ted Cruz and then he promised to bring that kind of leadership to the Oval Office  (York Quotes) I’d never really experienced the West before moving to Colorado. The East Coast, where I grew up, has a lot of big cities, like Boston and New York, and is more densely populated, and I instantly fell in love with the big open spaces of the West, where you can see not just for a few miles but for a few hundred miles  (York Quotes) That’s the New York thing, isn’t it. People who seem absolutely crazy going around telling you how crazy they used to be before they had therapy  (York Quotes) Researchers here in New York created a robot that actually passed a self-awareness test. So if you’re keeping score, that’s robots: 1, Donald Trump, 0  (York Quotes) I have a lot of regrets about what I’ve done. If I had to do it over again, I never would have left the Mets. I’m very thankful for all that Mr. (George) Steinbrenner did for me when I was with the Yankees, but I wish I had stayed in New York with the Mets  (York Quotes) My first job was scooping ice cream at Friendly’s in Albany, New York. I hated the work, most of my colleagues, and the uniform, and I more or less lost my taste for ice cream permanently  (York Quotes) CBGB represents a lot to New York City and to underground rock and to new wave and post-punk and whatever. But, you know, it’s like tearing down the Jefferson Memorial or something  (York Quotes) I live in New York. I have an amazing apartment over there; I have this amazing life over there that’s full of glamour. I get treated like a queen over there - and that’s one of the reasons I love coming home. It’s very grounding  (York Quotes) I’ve never left for New York. I’ve stood my ground here my whole career and hopefully will be able to until the day that I die  (York Quotes) I just moved [Bloomington] because I didn’t do well with New York. It made me kind of anxious and it was just incredibly expensive. It just has this very small-town feel  (York Quotes) When you’re on the road for six months of the year and you’re paying New York prices and not even living in your apartment, it just didn’t make any sense. So I had to get out of there  (York Quotes) New York is the greatest character actor ever. Any film that is shot in New York is elevated by the city  (York Quotes)
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