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There have been two [career highlights]. Waking up in New York to hear I’d been nominated for Best Actor for a Tony Award on Broadway, for An Ideal Husband. The other one was waking up the morning after the opening night of A Man For All Seasons and reading the reviews  (York Quotes) Why are some people like Chuck Schumer, who`s probably going to be leader of the Senate, why is he switching from a big city financial center pro-trader to being an anti-trader? Is that because of upstate New York? What`s going on? I can`t figure this out  (York Quotes) I go down to New York, do the project, and leave. I have no interest in participating in the rat race down there. Hip jazz fans know who I am. There’s a generation of musicians in New York who know my records better than I do  (York Quotes) Fracking is our biggest enemy right now in the U.S. Actually, not just in the U.S., because all our water systems are interconnected. Whether you’re reading this in New York State or in Japan, fracking is screwing you over  (York Quotes) I feel like your city - with hip hop in particular, because we’re always beating our chest and shouting where we’re from - your city is just as influential as your parents. Even the grimy, hardcore gangster rap from New York - KRS-One and Wu Tang, the stuff acknowledges it  (York Quotes) As far as my New York influence, one thing I’m proud of in my career is, I rep Brooklyn, New York all day. But people don’t look at my music as New York music. People consider my music underground music  (York Quotes) Great music can come from anywhere around the globe. And there has always been a music business. It just wasn’t recorded, nor was it centered in New York, London, Los Angeles or Nashville but rather St Petersburg, Vienna, Berlin, Milan and Paris  (York Quotes) When I was growing up, I fetishised New York City. It was the land of Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, it was where Leonard Cohen wrote ‘Chelsea Hotel’, it was CBGBs and all the punk rock clubs. Artists and musicians lived there, and it was cheap and dangerous  (York Quotes) We take it into account from the very beginning and try to steer couples toward items that lend themselves to those circumstances. Sometimes we have to steer a little more forcefully - you can’t fry French fries in the New York Public Library  (York Quotes) I was always drawn toward the Actor’s Studio. I studied at the Lee Strasberg Institute when I first came to New York. One of my favorite teachers was one of Al [Pachino]’s teachers, a guy named Charlie Laughton, who was just a wonderful, wonderful man  (York Quotes) I’ve travelled to many states and seen the suffering in people’s eyes I’ve visited communities in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Indiana and Ohio whose manufacturing jobs have literally disappeared. An embarrassment to our country and it’s horrible  (York Quotes) I have the ability to see results six months later and there’s no better feeling. We impact on thousands of people in the world. And in New York, which is the roughest, when people appreciate what we’re doing, it puts the Simoniz back on the apple  (York Quotes) Essentially what’s going to determine how you succeed in New York is how people feel about the space, how delicious the food is, how they perceive the value and, most important of all, how they feel treated. My understanding is Stephen Starr is exceptionally good at all of this and his ability to create a transporting experience  (York Quotes) There’s a big difference between the National Book Awards and the Academy Awards. At the Academy Awards you can feel the greed and envy and ego. Whereas the National Book Awards are in New York  (York Quotes) Once we accept violence as an adaptation, it makes sense that its expression is calibrated to the environment. The same individual will behave differently if he comes of age in Detroit, Mich., versus Windsor, Ontario; in New York in the 1980s versus New York now; in a culture of honor versus a culture of dignity  (York Quotes) The people in New York want to achieve something; the people in L.A., they just want to achieve success  (York Quotes) I went to the High School for Performing Arts in New York for acting. I’ve studied it on and off for years and have done some theater and film  (York Quotes) I went to acting school in New York City for two years. I studied with Stella Adler  (York Quotes) New York was at the forefront of rap, so because of all the great people who have gone before me, being a rapper from Queens, I have to live up to those standards. I’m basically just a regular guy who says what he feels and likes to joke. I like long walks on the beach... and I love rap  (York Quotes) I have a great admiration for English actors and actresses and have used them at every opportunity over the years, but now I won’t have to import them to New York  (York Quotes) Most actors and actresses are performative as people. It goes part and parcel with the profession and New York actors who are out of work, or actors anywhere out of work, are manic because you never know when the next job is going to come.  (York Quotes) What’s great about New York is that there are a lot of theater actors and actresses, who are trained actors, that they bring onto the show. They’re so talented, in such a weird, quirky and ominous way. And it’s great to be able to work with new faces, too.  (York Quotes) The cool part about New York is that you can do that. You can talk to all the people you admire.  (York Quotes) I think being an Asian woman has been more of an advantage than a disadvantage. It helps me stand out from the rest of the entertainers out there. Again, being from such an ethnically diverse place like New York, you get comfortable and confident with being different!  (York Quotes) My mum is very political - left wing - and my dad was in the advertising business. They were both from the East Coast: Boston and New York City, respectively.  (York Quotes) There is a pool of references in New York and Los Angeles that are almost exclusively drawn from the media, from the world of television and advertising.  (York Quotes) I have very specific advice for aspiring writers: go to New York. And if you can’t go to New York, go to the place that represents New York to you, where the standards for writing are high, there are other people who share your dreams, and where you can talk, talk, talk about your interests.  (York Quotes) I grew up in D.C. but always had a love affair with New York. I did ‘Central Park West,’ ‘Sex and the City,’ ‘Law and Order.’  (York Quotes) I mean, The New York Times actually had an interesting case recently where they described a detainee who was afraid of the dark, and so he was purposely kept very much in the dark.  (York Quotes) How many more people have to die or be afraid or be injured in Chelsea, New York, Erin, for us to wake up?  (York Quotes)
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