York Quotes

Text Quotes
The large ensemble cast and the fact that it was being shot in New York, combined with a lot of strong positive images as far as African Americans are concerned, really turned me on to The Best Man. (York Quotes)
It wasn’t until I came to New York and started to see the African American community, but also the Ethiopian community here, and started to eat the food, started to understand the music. I said, you know, I got to go and understand the culture. So me and my sister went. (York Quotes)
I left my home in Massachusetts after college to move to New York City to pursue my dreams of acting. I took roles for free. I waited tables. I didn’t care because it was work. (York Quotes)
I lived in New York for a long time. Right after college I went there. So I got my first cell phone in New York. Back when you would flip the phone up. Way back when. (York Quotes)
It’s true you have to screen out a lot living in the city. I stayed away from New York for a long time after college, and when I was first back, I’d read The Village Voice and feel like I was having a panic attack. (York Quotes)
I was an economics major in college, and every summer after school, I would drive my car from California, from Claremont men’s college at the time, to New York. And I worked on Wall Street. (York Quotes)
I have the cliche ‘struggling actor’ story. I was waiting tables in New York, went out to L.A. soon after graduation to get some jobs, but it didn’t work out. I wanted to cut my teeth in professional theater, so I came back to New York. It made my journey a longer one, but I really wanted to excel in the theater. (York Quotes)
When I came to New York after high school in 1959 and started to meet musicians, ‘Hot House’ was like a standard jam session tune. (York Quotes)
A great many people go after success simply for the shiny prizes it brings...And nowhere is it pursued more ardently than in the city of New York. (York Quotes)
I was badly mauled by people in New York State for being against the death penalty for 12 years (York Quotes)
My father emigrated from Lithuania to the United States at the age of 12. He received his higher education in New York City and graduated in 1914 from the New York University School of Dentistry. My mother came at the age of 14 from a part of Russia which, after the war, became Poland; she was only 19 when she was married to my father. (York Quotes)
Sold my house in LA, packed myself up and moved to New York, not knowing anybody. Friends are very hard to make after a certain age. (York Quotes)
I’m constantly saying that I have bad hair days when I’m in New York. It’s so hard. I’ve been lucky enough to jump immediately into a car, head straight to the location, and stay in the air-conditioning. (York Quotes)
Hillary Clinton flew with President Bush to New York City on Tuesday. She was amazed at the changes aboard Air Force One. For eight years she believed that flight attendants couldn’t wear clothes because it made the plane too heavy. (York Quotes)
I always thought security was a joke at New York airports, and in U.S. airports to begin with. You can go through any European or Middle Eastern airport and things are a lot tougher. (York Quotes)
Here’s some exciting news - according to The New York Post, both Al Gore and John Kerry are thinking of running for president in 2008. Gore and Kerry again! Political experts say it’s too early to tell who would lose bigger! (York Quotes)
In 1968, I left Cambridge and went to work in New York with Irving M. London, who was then the chairman of the Department of Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. (York Quotes)
In New York, I’m around a lot of the reasons I started playing music in the first place. I live right behind Matt Umanov Guitars. I live on the street that Suze Rotolo and Bob Dylan were walking down on the album cover. I recognize the history. (York Quotes)
Martin Scorcese is probably America’s greatest living director, and while he is not a titan like John Ford or Alfred Hitchcock or Federico Fellini, he is certainly consistently more interesting than Steven Spielberg, Brian de Palma, Francis Ford Coppola or Woody Allen. Even a failure like Gangs of New York or a curiosity like The Aviator is more interesting and ambitious than Munich, The Black Dahlia or Scoop. (York Quotes)
People in all walks of life, and especially business, do not want to experience the collapse of cities like New York along with global finance and economy in chaos, but this is what business faces if we continue to attribute climate change to fossil fuels alone. (York Quotes)
I must confess that when I’m alone in my study, here in New York, writing; that’s when I’m happy. (York Quotes)
Even when I’m alone, my life revolves around film. I think that’s why I live in New York, not L.A., where it’s so concentrated. (York Quotes)
I was working at the ‘New York Times,’ ruing every second of my life, thinking how was I ever going to get out of here, and thinking that one could only do it the way newspaper people have always done it. I needed a scoop, and I would go out and I would dream upon coming upon fires or the sky falling in front of me or anything. (York Quotes)
L.A. is always great. There’s something special about L.A. And New York, for me, because it’s home. There’s nothing quite like walking onstage at Madison Square Garden. (York Quotes)
In real life, I am trying to save the Steve Irwin wildlife preserve. It’s in Australia, up on Cape York, and it’s in danger of being strip-mined. (York Quotes)
The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Force car is a statement about New York being one of the greatest fashion capitals of the world and the confident approach to individualistic style that people strive to explore throughout this amazing city. (York Quotes)
Being in New York is an almost overwhelming experience. While Washington, D.C., is my favorite American city, I regard New York City as the most amazing city in the world. No other comes close. It is an incredible, inexhaustible engine. (York Quotes)
All my friends were off on gap years, so going to New York alone, at the age of 18, was kind of my flying the nest. It was an amazing experience. (York Quotes)
Have you ever walked down the streets of New York and been given the right of way? It’s an amazing feeling. (York Quotes)
I’m a runner. Not a race runner, but I just love to run, and I don’t think I’ve ever tasted such amazing food like I’ve tasted in the whole entire New York. (York Quotes)