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York Quotes

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The New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media will only refer to partial birth abortion as ‘what its opponents refer to as partial birth abortions.’ What do its supporters call it? Casual Fridays? Bean-with-bacon potato chip dip? Uh . . . Steve?  (York Quotes) New York became the first state to ban talking on hand-held cell phones while driving. First-time violators could receive a fine of $100, with an additional mandatory six-month jail sentence if your ringer plays a Latin-themed novelty song.  (York Quotes) New York is really the place to be; to go to New York, you’re going to the center of the world, the lion’s den.  (York Quotes) When I saw the pictures of New York without the World Trade Center, New York looked like a shadow of itself.  (York Quotes) Central Park is the grandiose symbol of the front yard each child in New York hasn’t got  (York Quotes) In New York, everybody looks great and is well dressed, but seeing someone in Ohio wearing Marc Jacobs is like spotting an owl in Central Park. Rare.  (York Quotes) A great day in New York would be to wake up, get a cup of coffee and head up to Central Park for a nice walk. Then I’d go down to the East Village and stroll around. After that, maybe I’d go check out a museum or catch an indie film at the Angelika.  (York Quotes) I lived in New York City for a while and miss it like it’s a person. Although I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, I’m a New Yorker at heart. A stroll through Central Park, a visit to the MET, a show on Broadway. There is no other city like it in the world!  (York Quotes) Sex and The City’ was made to correct the myth that if you were single at a certain age, you were a leper. Its four characters are heroes to a lot of women; they run around New York, or Gotham - but they have fancy shoes instead of capes.  (York Quotes) New York has always been a city of change and a city about change, and it is a back-leading development. Nobody’s going to want to come to New York if it looks like another strip mall.  (York Quotes) The great thing about living in New York is the constant change of things. It inspires me to keep moving, push forward, question ideas.  (York Quotes) I had no real education because I was in and out of schools so I decided that I would completely change my look, change my image, change my name and move to New York.  (York Quotes) Working on the Obama campaign was a life-changer for me. I realized during that campaign that structure is the name of the game, and so, soon after the election, filmmaker Adam Baran and I started Queer/Art/Film, a monthly series at the IFC Film Center in downtown New York that invites queer artists to present the films they love to an audience.  (York Quotes) I’m trying to change the culture in New York City; that’s hard enough!  (York Quotes) I had a long-lasting love affair with the flavors from Japan and the hustling New York street vendors. And, of course, a life-changing return to Ethiopia has made huge impacts on my life in food.  (York Quotes) I can’t conceive of cooking in a sunny place like Florida because my motivation comes from the changing seasons. That’s why I decided to live in New York.  (York Quotes) As for my identity within the context of New York nightlife? I left in the 90s, so I’m not part of the scene anymore. I’ll always be interested in what’s happening downtown, and I try and keep up with the changing faces on social media.  (York Quotes) It’s the story of New York. Storefronts change and languages change, but at the end of the day, people come here to find opportunity like my family did.  (York Quotes) I chose not to go home and struggle with the New York scene. My size sort of locked me out. I was too short for the stage. I would have been doing character roles, so I went to Los Angeles. There is a lot more happening out there. I also felt it was important to break away from my family.  (York Quotes) New York in a way functions as another character within the story, as it does within most of Woody Allen’s stories.  (York Quotes) I went to college at University of South Carolina and dropped out of chemistry, and to fill a class, the only spot they had left was a theater class. It was so annoying, but I took it and then I thought it was the greatest thing; the most socially creative. I dropped out of school immediately and moved to New York to start acting. I was 19.  (York Quotes) I also have a soft spot for spicy chicken wings. They are always best eaten at dives and sports bars, like Wogie’s in the West Village, New York City, near my house.  (York Quotes) The great ‘New York Times’ columnist Dave Anderson famously slept one year in a child’s race-car bed. There he was, Pulitzer Prize and all, snoring as his feet dangled over the rear tires of Lightning McQueen.  (York Quotes) Sometimes I just play the theme from Arthur. It reminds me of my childhood in New York and I just love it.  (York Quotes) I can remember the three restaurant experiences of my childhood. All I wanted to do on my birthday was to go to the Automat in New York... but I don’t know if you consider that a real restaurant.  (York Quotes) I grew up in China, but I live in the U.S. and I want my children to understand what’s going on over there. They ask me sometimes, ‘Are we Chinese or Australians?’ My family are in L.A., New York and China, and they have the freedom to go back and forth, which is really, really nice.  (York Quotes) The tradition and style of the ‘New York Times’ make it very difficult to have objective coverage of China. If we could purchase it, its tone might turn around.  (York Quotes) New York Stat agreed to pay $12 million to settle a lawsuit filed three decades ago by inmates swept up in the bloody 1971 revolt at Attica prison. The settlement will be paid in the form of chocolate bars and packs of Newports that can be picked up in the commissary.  (York Quotes) I was just a guy who ran away from home at 16 because my parents were getting a divorce and the judge was making me choose which parent to live with. I didn’t want to make that choice. I ended up in New York City.  (York Quotes) I love cities. New York, Montreal, London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Toronto, L.A... but, I do choose to live in Vancouver. It’s home.  (York Quotes)
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