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York Quotes

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Every town has its dark side, but I spend time in New York for my dark inspiration  (York Quotes) Dating someone exclusively for four months in New York is like four years in Anchorage  (York Quotes) My weekends start at about 4 P.M. on Friday afternoon, when I let go of work and leave my colleagues to crawl through the rest of the day in our New York offices.  (York Quotes) Though President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, the occasion was first observed on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City.  (York Quotes) No one could have predicted on day one of rehearsals, that a year and a half later we would have shot a film and all be living in New York. It was surreal.  (York Quotes) The day after we had pitched a game, it was our duty to stand at the gate, and afterwards to count the tickets. I remember counting 30,000 tickets one day at the Polo Grounds in New York.  (York Quotes) When I was living in New York, there was a lot of screaming in my life. I would just get into these altercations all the time. Being in public, dealing with shopkeepers, just trying to cross the street - things like that.  (York Quotes) In the 1970s, New York City defaulted on its debt, and yes, the consequences were painful. Enrollment plummeted at City University campuses, which until then had offered free education. Seven thousand police officers were laid off. Crime skyrocketed. Services for the poor disappeared.  (York Quotes) I’m from New York and I love New York and I’m always repping New York, but what I represent is something deeper than just being a New York rapper.  (York Quotes) What I did in New York was bring people together, an overwhelmingly Democratic state. But I was able to get Democrats to support the most conservative sweeping policy changes in any state in America.  (York Quotes) My mom graduated from the University of Michigan, which is a great school. Then she got her Master’s from NYU. She wanted to be an actress, so when she graduated, she had a dream, and she started following it. She moved to New York and took acting classes with people like Denzel Washington.  (York Quotes) Saks is one of the temples of good-quality products in America. The Saks shop in New York, for me, is the most interesting department store in America.  (York Quotes) The thing about New York is it’s like London: you want to go to the boutique places. You can go to the big department stores - Barney’s, Bloomingdales and all that stuff - but I like the little stores.  (York Quotes) I’m not really well educated - other than an art survey course at the High School of Art and Design in New York when I was, like, 15. I don’t know the history of art, but I got over intimidation from the art world when I realized that I was allowed to feel whatever I want and like whatever I want.  (York Quotes) New York apartments are notoriously small, and my cute little studio is no exception - space is at a premium, which is one of the reasons that I only have a mini-fridge. Great for leftovers, cheese, and chilling Diet Coke.  (York Quotes) New York is this cacophony - a collection of radical differences, an agreement of non sequiturs. The diversity and intensity are startling.  (York Quotes) I’m not so Hollywood; I live in New York, so it’s very normal. I don’t have many friends in the industry. My friends come from all sorts of different backgrounds and careers.  (York Quotes) I think for me, the imaginary world was always exciting. I started in New York doing theatre, from having just one person in an audience to performing for a full house. I think I’ve always enjoyed playing different characters, blending into different environments and such.  (York Quotes) I love seeing what people wear out to dinner in different cities. I know how differently I dress in New York than I do in Los Angeles.  (York Quotes) I have specific playlists for arrivals in different cities. Tokyo skews new wave, Paris more jazz, and New York is Top 40.  (York Quotes) I think everyone should live in New York City if they ever get the chance at least once in their life. It’s such a great place to live; there’s a different energy about living in the city.  (York Quotes) Like the United Nations, there is something inspirational about New York as a great melting pot of different cultures and traditions. And if this is the city that never sleeps, the United Nations works tirelessly, around the clock around the world.  (York Quotes) If you look at professional baseball in New York, you can get all 162 Yankee games on television anytime you want. But people still go to the ballpark because they are two different experiences. It’s the same with film.  (York Quotes) I think the fact that I was raised in show business, in New York City, in the 50s, that’s affected my personality to the point that I’m a little different.  (York Quotes) I really love New York, and I’ve lived here for a long time. I know not just the different neighborhoods but the different kind of class cultures in New York from the up-and-coming, down-and-out kind of artist to the powerful worlds of finance.  (York Quotes) There’s a bit of a new guard of contemporary classical musicians in New York, and we play a lot of different kinds of music together. We do pop studio sessions, and we’ll also play John Cage and more avant-garde work. We’re developing a language of music that comes with a lot of different styles, different kinds of work.  (York Quotes) I grew up in New York City - I grew up surrounded by every sound that you imagine can come from a New Yorker. All of the different boroughs and all of the different sounds.  (York Quotes) I never really thought of my neighborhood in South Philly as being a neighborhood; it was more a state of mind. For people who aren’t familiar with those kinds of places, it’s a whole different thing. Like, 42nd Street in New York City is a state of mind.  (York Quotes) I read the New York Times, and if I’m in a different city, I’ll skim that paper  (York Quotes) Moving to New York City and doing what I do, social anxiety is a really ridiculous kind of curse to have. But I met people along the way who deal with it - performers as well - and they are learning to deal with it daily and deal with it in different ways.  (York Quotes)
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