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York Quotes

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Osama bin Laden, the Saudi-born revolutionary who is believed by most Arab and Iranian observers to be the inspiration of the attacks in New York and Washington, is the best known of the Islamic militants to have emerged in the past 20 years and the least difficult to fathom.  (York Quotes) I never really knew what fine cuisine was when I was a little boy in Canada. For me, Italian food was ‘Kraft Dinner’ or pizza. When I moved to New York, that’s when I discovered all the Italian food.  (York Quotes) In L.A., I’m always going to dinner and hanging out. In New York, it’s like my life just feels crazier, and there’s more options.  (York Quotes) Bike lanes - I put that now in the category of things you shouldn’t discuss at dinner parties, right? It used to be money and politics and religion. Now, in New York, you should add bike lanes.  (York Quotes) I’m not specifically attached to anything other than trying to, in my personal life, fight against where I see right wing thinking. Whether it be around my dinner table or on the street or somebody reading the New York Post.  (York Quotes) I moved away when I was young, when I was about 19. I’d literally come from an area with dirt roads and stuff like that, right to the centre of a city of about five million people. It’s been great. I’m based in New York, and every day, it’s amazing.  (York Quotes) Now, it is much more difficult for young people coming to New York. But also when you’re young, you have more time to interact with one another, to discover yourself with people of your generation.  (York Quotes) The scene then as now was centered in New York. For the most part, I’ve kept a bit apart from that attractive and seductive city. I’ve done it by living in the country within commuting distance.  (York Quotes) When I lived in New York, not only did I have safety locks on the door but I had the music going, keeping the city at a distance, trying to find creative time and peace and so forth.  (York Quotes) It is Hillary’s [Clinton] star power that radiates to every corner of the ballroom. New York bigwigs, such as financial-media impresario Michael Bloomberg, attorney and labor mediator Theodore Kheel, and District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, crane to see her.  (York Quotes) I hate the traffic over there. Why don’t they start to build moving pathways to replace all the streets? I see New York in a very futuristic way, but they must do something new.  (York Quotes) My very first tattoo was for my dog, Zora, who died in my arms in New York. Right where her heart stopped beating I got a Z.  (York Quotes) There is no such thing as a crazy dog person in New York. Are there people who are completely insane about their dogs? Hordes. But cat people may as well have whiskers and tails themselves. That’s because their pets’ lack of social need taps straight into our worst fears as the human inhabitants of New York.  (York Quotes) I think I’ll be fine in New York. If I could stay here and just get jobs in New York, that would be fine and that’s what I’d want to do. I don’t want to move.  (York Quotes) Back in the 1960s, I got a superb education for very little money. The bill for my first year at Harpur College in New York was a few hundred dollars.  (York Quotes) Keep believing in yourself, and don’t ever give up, even if people tell you otherwise. Just believe in yourself and take every action you need to get there, whether it’s taking more lessons or a fun, cool job in New York or LA and stepping out of the box. Be a little bit risky, but still confident.  (York Quotes) In New York, you’ve got Donald Trump, Woody Allen, a crack addict and a regular Joe, and they’re all on the same subway car.  (York Quotes) I live in Soho in lower New York; there’s tons and tons of tourists right outside my door step, obviously. Most of them are European, and all of them have guidebooks. I never see anyone looking at a phone.  (York Quotes) The beautiful thing about New York is, you have to expose yourself to other people the minute you step outside the door. There is no choice. And I love that.  (York Quotes) Before I came to New York, I only had a few pictures of the city in my mind. And you know ‘That Girl?’ Marlo Thomas jumping with her hat? I always loved that, and I wondered what that double street she crosses is. And it’s Park Avenue! And that’s what I can see out my window.  (York Quotes) After that, I started going downtown and doing a lot of theater shows in Chicago. When you go downtown there, it’s like you’re in New York, it’s like going to Broadway.  (York Quotes) Liberals want to live downtown. All over America - in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Georgetown - there are crowds of liberals living in the gritty, ugly, dirty neighborhoods sensible people are trying to flee.  (York Quotes) I love the idea of being part of a campaign that captures the spirit of New York and the stories of women here, passionate about their dreams.  (York Quotes) Every time I get on an airplane I have a routine. I cover the inside of my nostrils with anti-bacterial ointment. I’m popping Zicam like it’s candy. And I drink, literally, from L.A. to New York, six bottles of water.  (York Quotes) I like to drive nice cars; since I live in New York, and I don’t drive there, it’s a novelty to be on the road and drive and listen to my music.  (York Quotes) I think the driving force when I moved to New York was the fear of going home with my tail between my legs.  (York Quotes) I had to take driving lessons in New York, which were really weird because it’s not the safest thing in the world.  (York Quotes) I’m actually from Mt. Kisco, New York, which is in Westchester County, and when I auditioned for ‘Dukes,’ I told them I was from Snailville, Georgia, which doesn’t exist, and I’d just graduated first in my class from the Georgia School of High Performance Driving, which also doesn’t exist. But they bought it.  (York Quotes) One of the many reasons I love living in New York is that we get a front row seat to the innumerable thrills that take place here - from conventions and awards shows, to parades and U.N. assemblies. But my favorite New York tradition is the annual New Year’s Eve ball-drop on Times Square.  (York Quotes) One of the great thing about New York is the neighborhood - you go for your walk in the morning and you know your dry cleaning lady, you know the guy in your coffee shop - that’s your neighborhood and I love that.  (York Quotes)
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