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York Quotes

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Growing up in New York, I was sort of shocked when I realized that my children are Californians. They are 14 years old, and I explain to them frequently that they will never realize the glory of a snow day. You wake up and the world says, ‘Oops, it’s too much fun to go to school, you’ve got to stay home and deal with the snow!’  (York Quotes) I think I had the most fun making a movie with ‘Dedication,’ just because you knew that it was a passion project for everyone involved. We had X amount of days to shoot New York in the cold. No trailers. Just sort of kind of doing it guerilla style in a way.  (York Quotes) I find it funny how people from Boston and New York hate each other because of pro teams. But, like, everyone on the Red Sox is a random millionaire athlete from somewhere else.  (York Quotes) I grew up in New York wanting to be like those funny men in the movies and on the radio  (York Quotes) When I was in New York, I got to see Joan Rivers do an hour of material, and it blew my mind. I don’t remember how old she was at the time, but she just had this edgy hour that had so much funny stuff in it, and she was so fearless. If you only watch her on the red carpet, you don’t get a sense of what a legendary standup comedian she is.  (York Quotes) If a church offers no truth that is not available in the general culture - in, for instance, the editorials of the New York Times or, for that matter, of National Review - there is not much reason to pay it attention.  (York Quotes) New York is a city with virtually no habitable public space - only private spaces expensively maintained within the general disaster.  (York Quotes) I received a call from Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum and head coach Eric Mangini. They asked me if I was ready to become a New York Jet. I quickly answered ‘yes’ and began to hug everyone at the table.  (York Quotes) If you’ve been here, in New York, it has been dominated by the UN General Assembly, the annual event where delegates come from all over the world to f*** up this city’s traffic.  (York Quotes) I urge you to read the Occupy Manifesto, written by the New York City General Assembly. It is unavoidably clear. This is not directionless action. If it were, the media would have moved on.  (York Quotes) I don’t think the spirit of Hollywood is such a spirit of generosity. I think people really begrudge giving. In New York, it’s like that.  (York Quotes) In New York, I find people so courteous and so generous. Free drinks in bars. Free taxi rides.  (York Quotes) Georgia O’Keeffe proposed that I live with her. She was in New Mexico then, and I wanted to be in New York.  (York Quotes) I never set out to do this - getting to No. 1 in the ‘New York Times’ bestseller list wasn’t even a pipedream.  (York Quotes) When I left New York, after getting fired from Metallica, all I remember is that I wanted blood. Theirs.  (York Quotes) One of the benefits to ordering food in New York is that you can get food 24/7  (York Quotes) I read the newspaper online. Mostly ‘The New York Times.’ I’ll still buy papers if I’m getting on an airplane or the tour bus, though. I like physical things.  (York Quotes) We’re living at a time where if you do a Google search for a ‘show, review and network,’ you’ll get ‘The New York Times’ and Pete Billingsley from a town you’ve never heard of on the same results page. It’s kind of democratizing the process so that everyone has access to a distribution system to express themselves.  (York Quotes) According to the New York Post, Lance Armstrong and Ashley Olsen are dating. They must be getting serious - Lance gave Ashley his yellow Live Strong bracelet. She wears it as a belt.  (York Quotes) At the end of the 1960s, I was part of the downtown theatrical movement in New York that was making work in alleyways, garages, gyms, churches, non-traditional spaces. The idea was to get away from the illusion of the conventional theatre. But then I thought, what’s wrong with illusion?  (York Quotes) I really like Los Angeles - I had a good life out there. But the reason I choose to live in New York is because when I’m between engagements, as they say, something creative always comes up for me, like ‘Julian Po,’ or helping teach at NYU, or helping stage a show at Juilliard.  (York Quotes) My style has definitely grown since moving to New York and working on ‘Gossip Girl.’ I’m more aware of a lot of designers and I’m more aware of fashion.  (York Quotes) A dream my girlfriend and I have is to move to New York for a year or two because we just love the city. I would take some acting classes.  (York Quotes) New York is the place that made my and other artists’ dreams come true by giving us a chance to realise our ideas and concepts. It was a great place for making a presentation of artistic creation.  (York Quotes) I love New York. I was sad, depressed and incredibly moved by our fellow countrymen and what they’ve done. I wanted to give people a chance to see something funny, have a distraction.  (York Quotes) I don’t know how anyone gets anything done in cities. How can you live somewhere like London or New York, when there are 81 things to do every night? Awful. Give me solitude and space any time.  (York Quotes) I started doing theatre, and that’s when I really fell in love with the profession; I learned a lot. It felt a bit weird to go from living in New York on Broadway to university, so I kept putting it off. Then, eventually, I had to give up the place.  (York Quotes) I remember seeing Bill Hurt in New York once. I talked to him on the phone around 1988 and that’s about it. I was shooting in New York and somebody said Glenn Close came by the set.  (York Quotes) Damages’ was cool. It brought me back to New York for a little while, so that was a lot of fun, and I was obviously very excited about the opportunity to work with Rose Byrne and Glenn Close. I’d been a fan of that show before I started working on it.  (York Quotes) If God had meant Harvard professors to appear in People magazine, She wouldn’t have invented The New York Review of Books.  (York Quotes)
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