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You Can Quotes

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Don't count how many new friends you can make. Count how many old ones you can keep  (You Can Quotes) Don't let people who are living their nightmare tell you that you can't live your dream  (You Can Quotes) All one's inventions are true, you can be sure of that. Poetry is as exact a science as geometry  (You Can Quotes) Save your rejections so that later when you are famous you can show them to people and laugh  (You Can Quotes) It is extraordinary that when you are acquainted with a whole family you can forget about them  (You Can Quotes) If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements  (You Can Quotes) Always be yourself. Unless you can be a mermaid. Then always be a mermaid  (You Can Quotes) It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward  (You Can Quotes) You can choose to feel sore tomorrow or you can choose to feel sorry tomorrow. You choose  (You Can Quotes) Camping sucks. And you can see the stars, which I hate. They're creepy  (You Can Quotes) Guys love it when you can show them you're better than they are at something they love  (You Can Quotes) You can't just sit there and put everyone's life ahead of yours and think that counts as love  (You Can Quotes) You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom  (You Can Quotes) If you're in pitch blackness, all you can do is sit tight until your eyes get used to the dark  (You Can Quotes) The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance  (You Can Quotes) I think you can have 10,000 explanations for failure, but no good explanation for success  (You Can Quotes) What's more enchanting than the voices of young people, when you can't hear what they say?  (You Can Quotes) You can't imagine what satisfaction can be gotten from throwing a pie into someone's face  (You Can Quotes) If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance  (You Can Quotes) If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance  (You Can Quotes) You can never be upset with the people who forced you into your dream or up higher  (You Can Quotes) As you emphasize your life, you must localize and define it... You cannot do everything  (You Can Quotes) We ride through life on the beast within us. Beat the animal, but you can't make it think  (You Can Quotes) You can see it right away when a person is dressing outside of who she is  (You Can Quotes) If, at the limit, you can rule without crime, you cannot do so without injustices  (You Can Quotes) You can't buy happiness, but you can buy donuts and that's kind of the same thing  (You Can Quotes) Some people's hearts are shrunk in them, like dried nuts. You can hear 'em rattle as they walk  (You Can Quotes) The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself  (You Can Quotes) You can't say civilization don't advance. In every war they kill you in a new way  (You Can Quotes) The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you'll make one  (You Can Quotes)
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