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The level of communication you can achieve with an infant is really profound  (You Can Quotes) The most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of your time and attention  (You Can Quotes) The one phrase you can use is that success has a thousand fathers, and failure is an orphan  (You Can Quotes) The only people you can really share certain things with in secret are your girlfriends  (You Can Quotes) The trouble with travelling back later on is that you can never repeat the same experience  (You Can Quotes) The truth is you can have a great marriage, but there are still no guarantees  (You Can Quotes) The worst thing you can do to a kid is tell them that their dreams are invalid  (You Can Quotes) This is what I like about being a designer: You can’t really get it until you see it  (You Can Quotes) To have the truth in your possession you can be found guilty, sentenced to death  (You Can Quotes) Well, you can’t trust most people in this game, period; it can be a very shady business  (You Can Quotes) What I do deny is that you can build any enduring society without some such mystical ethos  (You Can Quotes) When you live under the power of terror and segregation, you can’t ever start a work of art  (You Can Quotes) With technology now, you can go in and sing a song, and for $100,000, you will sound flawless  (You Can Quotes) You can be in this business 50 years and still not know anything about it  (You Can Quotes) You can do anything you wish to do, have anything you wish to have, be anything you wish to be  (You Can Quotes) You can easily die racing to cover a bank robbery as you can in a war zone  (You Can Quotes) You can find your way across this country using burger joints the way a navigator uses stars  (You Can Quotes) You can map your life through your favorite movies, and no two people’s maps will be the same  (You Can Quotes) You can use a biography to examine political power, but only if you pick the right guy  (You Can Quotes) You can’t expect to hit the jackpot if you don’t put a few nickels in the machine  (You Can Quotes) You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good  (You Can Quotes) You can’t just trust to luck; you have to really listen to what that character is telling you  (You Can Quotes) You can’t keep changing men, so you settle for changing your lipstick  (You Can Quotes) You can’t sweep other people off their feet, if you can’t be swept off your own  (You Can Quotes) You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt  (You Can Quotes) You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk  (You Can Quotes) We do play to our audience. It’s very important. You can’t create music in a vacuum  (You Can Quotes) I personally think you can have a really rich and full life with no abs. Abs are for wimps  (You Can Quotes) You can’t expect law enforcement to provide the solution to the drug problem  (You Can Quotes) If you have a problem, try to get help, you can get through it if you get help  (You Can Quotes)
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