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You Can Quotes

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No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding. If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change  (You Can Quotes) You can never completely know anyone, no matter how well you think you do. There will always be some truth about them you don't ever get to know  (You Can Quotes) It's not vanity, because if you look weird, it will distract from what your trying to do. If you look as good as you can, people will be able to pay attention to what your actually saying  (You Can Quotes) If you ever start to feel too good about yourself, they have this thing called the Internet, and you can find a lot of people there who don't like you  (You Can Quotes) Just because I'm flaunting it doesn't mean you can stare for hours on end. A polite ogle is appreciated and suitable for a flaunt. Slobbering is not  (You Can Quotes) You can't be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute  (You Can Quotes) You can overcome your fears, you cange change, you can make life into what you've always wanted it to be. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon. So hang in  (You Can Quotes) It's interesting how you can know someone for a long time, and then one day you just see them in this whole different way  (You Can Quotes) When your heart is shattered into a million pieces, all you can do is try to keep holding on. You breathe. You try to fall asleep. You try to not think about him  (You Can Quotes) When someone rips your heart out, there's nothing you can do to change how you feel about them. You just have to keep feeling that way until it goes away. Until it never does  (You Can Quotes) You have to try your hardest to be at the top of your game and improve every joke you can until the last possible second, and then you have to let it go  (You Can Quotes) Tracy: Stop eating people's old french fries, little pigeon. Have some self - respect. Don't you know you can fly?  (You Can Quotes) In my limited experience, shows are like children. You can teach them manners and dress them in little sailor suits, but in the end, they're going to be who they're going to be  (You Can Quotes) At the end of the day it's about how much you can bear, how much you can endure. Being together, we harm nobody; being apart, we extinguish ourselves  (You Can Quotes) You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel  (You Can Quotes) You cannot undo the past; you can only learn to live with it, find some way of making peace with it, and move on  (You Can Quotes) I am hurt... in ways you cannot see, and that I cannot explain, even to myself, but only know that they are there, and a part of me, as much as my hands and eyes and breath are a part of me  (You Can Quotes) Get through today - you can fall apart tomorrow. Get through tomorrow, you can fall apart the day after  (You Can Quotes) Of course you can fall in love. You just have to let yourself. They don't call it falling for nothing  (You Can Quotes) In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years  (You Can Quotes) When I met your father, it was magic. Not for him - not then - but for me. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can look into a pair of eyes and see your whole future  (You Can Quotes) Do what you can on this plane to relieve suffering by constantly working on yourself to be an instrument for the cessation of suffering. To me, that's what the emerging game is all about  (You Can Quotes) If you make any money, the government shoves you in the creek once a year with it in your pockets, and all that don't get wet you can keep  (You Can Quotes) There's much more in any given moment than we usually perceive, and that we ourselves are much more than we usually perceive. When you know that, part of you can stand outside the drama of your life  (You Can Quotes) In Hollywood you can see things at night that are fast enough to be in the Olympics in the day time  (You Can Quotes) Remember that, however patient your study, you will never in adult life learn any language perfectly; the best you can hope for is to be a bore  (You Can Quotes) I believe that love - not imitation - is the sincerest form of flattery. Your imitator thinks that you can be duplicated; your lover knows you can't  (You Can Quotes) The only thing that it is advisable to know in any language is the numerals; and even there, you can do a lot with the fingers  (You Can Quotes) You can't spend the rest of your life tiptoeing around to try and avert disaster. It won't work. You'll just end up missing the life you have  (You Can Quotes) We are here just for a spell and then pass on. So get a few laughs and do the best you can. Live your life so that whenever you lose it, you are ahead  (You Can Quotes)
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