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I love individuals. Every person you look at you can see the universe in their eyes if you're really looking  (You Can Quotes) I see the dream and I see the nightmare, and I believe you can't have the dream without the nightmare  (You Can Quotes) You can live your whole life in your brain and not experience what's around you. You go crazy that way  (You Can Quotes) There's probably no experience more alienating than fame, other than a terminal illness, where you actually find yourself in a situation that nobody around you can relate to  (You Can Quotes) There are two ways to wake up. You can wake up thinking about what you know, or you wake up thinking and saying 'What can I learn?.' That's a very different approach  (You Can Quotes) If you don't think, and you have no wit and you have so many hangups that you can't look beyond your cup of coffee then you're never going to understand what I'm really saying. Because you know what? You're going to shut down and close off before you hear me. If I'm threatening you, you're going to see it the way you need to see it so you can dismiss me  (You Can Quotes) I believe in eating. I think women especially have this fear of eating, and I think there is a whole euphoric plane you can rise to when you have a good meal. You sit down and with every bite you honestly just say thank you  (You Can Quotes) If you can't create physical life, you find a life force. If that's in music, that's in music. I started to find this deep, primitive rhythm, and I started to move to it. And I held hands with sorrow, and I danced with her, and we giggled a bit  (You Can Quotes) Let's be honest. You let yourself be pulled in because it felt good to be wanted, needed. But then it went too far, as projected images always do. If it's not a real image, but one that has been projected on to you, then you can keep up the masquerade for only so long before the mask cracks and the paint on the mask peels away  (You Can Quotes) Not one Republican president has balanced the budget in 34 years. You can not trust Republicans with your money  (You Can Quotes) Knowing is not understanding. There is a great difference between knowing and understanding: you can know a lot about something and not really understand it  (You Can Quotes) You can never get to a place of comfort in this business. As soon as you hit that little cushy spot, somebody's gonna kick you out. So I have a constant need to do it better  (You Can Quotes) We live in a funny time. If you don't go corporate, you can't compete. You're relegated as irrelevant. People used to admire that  (You Can Quotes) You know, I always say white is not a colour, white is an attitude, and if you haven't got trillions of dollars in the bank that you don't need, you can't be white  (You Can Quotes) And at 19, you think you rule the world, and you can control things. And a lot of times, you don’t  (You Can Quotes) If you've got a piece and you can feel the person who's going to direct it is really made for it, if it's really special for them, then it's going to be a better than usual experience  (You Can Quotes) You can't have a relationship when you're shooting a 14 hour day and your husband is shooting a 14 hour day in the same city. It's a time thing and it's a together thing  (You Can Quotes) I always look at money not as a motivating factor but as an element in the composition. You can't ignore it, but you've got to be very careful that it's not motivating you  (You Can Quotes) Even though you can't expect to defeat the absurdity of the world, you must make that attempt. That's morality, that's religion. That's art. That's life  (You Can Quotes) I said tonight I wanted to talk to you about love. Look into your hearts. This is our country. This is our future. These are our children and grandchildren. You can trust Mitt  (You Can Quotes) I like cool jackets - a nice fall or winter coat. You can get a lot of use out of it, and you'll wear it frequently, so it can really set the tone of your uniform for the season  (You Can Quotes) Clothes if they are not well cut, you can kill nobody. A building poorly built can kill people. It's a much more difficult work. I would not compare myself with that  (You Can Quotes) The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues  (You Can Quotes) I love to compare different time frames. Poetry can evoke the time of the subject. By a very careful choice of words you can evoke an era, completely throw the poem into a different time scale  (You Can Quotes) One of the most powerful devices of poetry is the use of distortions. You can go from talking about the way a minute passes to the way a century passes, or a lifetime  (You Can Quotes) The BBC is locked to the reading of the economy that is run out of Ed Miliband and Ed Balls' office. They think if only you spend and borrow more money you can create growth everywhere  (You Can Quotes) People who do a job that claims to be creative have to be alone to recharge their batteries. You can't live 24 hours a day in the spotlight and remain creative. For people like me, solitude is a victory  (You Can Quotes) Never use the word “cheap”. Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes (the rich buy them too). There is good clothing design on every level today. You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans - it's up to you  (You Can Quotes) The elegance is as physical, as moral quality that has nothing common with the clothing. You can see a countrywoman more elegant than one so called elegant woman  (You Can Quotes) You can make movies for a select audience, but you have to market it to them. You can make movies for a select audience, but you have to market it to them  (You Can Quotes)
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