You can tell the nature of the man by the words he chooses

You can tell the nature of the man by the words he chooses
Edwin Louis Cole was a renowned author, speaker, and pastor who was known for his powerful and impactful words. He believed that the words we choose to use can reveal a lot about our character and nature as individuals. In his teachings, Cole emphasized the importance of using words that uplift, inspire, and empower others. He believed that our words have the power to shape our reality and influence the world around us.According to Cole, the words we choose to use can reveal our values, beliefs, and attitudes towards others. A man who consistently uses words of kindness, compassion, and encouragement is likely to be someone who values empathy, understanding, and positivity. On the other hand, a man who frequently uses words of criticism, judgment, and negativity may be someone who harbors resentment, insecurity, or a lack of empathy towards others.
Cole believed that our words have the power to create or destroy relationships, build or break trust, and inspire or discourage others. He emphasized the importance of using words that build others up and create a sense of unity and connection. By choosing our words carefully and intentionally, we can create a positive and uplifting environment that fosters growth, understanding, and mutual respect.
In the context of Edwin Louis Cole's teachings, the nature of a man can be discerned by the words he chooses to use. A man who consistently uses words of love, kindness, and encouragement is likely to be someone who values compassion, empathy, and positivity. Conversely, a man who frequently uses words of hate, anger, and criticism may be someone who struggles with insecurity, resentment, or a lack of empathy towards others.