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You can use any editor you want, but remember that vi vi vi is the text editor of the beast

You can use any editor you want, but remember that vi vi vi is the text editor of the beast Picture Quote #1

You can use any editor you want, but remember that vi vi vi is the text editor of the beast

Richard Stallman, the renowned computer programmer and free software advocate, is often associated with the text editor vi. Stallman, who is the founder of the Free Software Foundation and the GNU Project, is known for his strong beliefs in the importance of free software and the ethical implications of proprietary software. Vi, a powerful and versatile text editor, is one of the tools that Stallman has championed over the years.

The quote "You can use any editor you want, but remember that vi vi vi is the text editor of the beast" is a playful nod to vi's reputation as a powerful and sometimes intimidating tool. Vi, which stands for "visual editor," is a modal text editor that has been a staple in the Unix and Linux communities for decades. It is known for its efficiency, speed, and flexibility, but it also has a steep learning curve that can be daunting for new users.

Stallman's endorsement of vi can be seen as a reflection of his commitment to free software and his preference for tools that prioritize user control and freedom. Vi is a free and open-source software that embodies many of the principles that Stallman has long advocated for. By promoting vi as the "text editor of the beast," Stallman may be encouraging users to embrace the challenge of learning a powerful tool that puts them in control of their computing experience.

While vi may not be the most user-friendly text editor for beginners, its capabilities and flexibility make it a favorite among experienced programmers and system administrators. Stallman's endorsement of vi serves as a reminder of the importance of choosing tools that align with one's values and priorities. Whether or not vi is the right text editor for every user, Stallman's support for free software and user freedom remains a central tenet of his advocacy work.
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