You don't have a soul You are a Soul You have a body

You don't have a soul You are a Soul You have a body
The quote "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body" is often attributed to C.S. Lewis, the renowned author and theologian. This profound statement encapsulates Lewis's belief in the dual nature of human beings - that we are not merely physical bodies, but rather eternal souls inhabiting temporary vessels.In his works, particularly in his Christian apologetics, Lewis frequently explores the concept of the soul and its relationship to the body. He argues that the soul is the true essence of a person, the seat of their consciousness, emotions, and will. The body, on the other hand, is merely a temporary shell that houses the soul during its earthly existence.
For Lewis, the distinction between the soul and the body is crucial for understanding the nature of human beings and their ultimate destiny. He believed that the soul is immortal and will continue to exist beyond the physical death of the body. This belief is rooted in his Christian faith, which teaches that the soul is created by God and is destined for eternal life with Him.