You give people a little money and they lose all their manners, even the ones who had manners to begin with

You give people a little money and they lose all their manners, even the ones who had manners to begin with
In the world of Ted Dekker's novels, money often plays a significant role in the lives of his characters. Whether it be the pursuit of wealth, the corruption that comes with it, or the power struggles that money can create, Dekker's stories often explore the impact that money has on individuals and society as a whole. One recurring theme that emerges in many of his works is the idea that money has the ability to corrupt even the most well-mannered individuals.In Dekker's novels, characters who come into sudden wealth or power often find themselves transformed in unexpected ways. The quote, "You give people a little money and they lose all their manners, even the ones who had manners to begin with," speaks to this idea of how money can change people for the worse. Characters who were once kind, humble, and considerate may become arrogant, selfish, and entitled once they come into money. Their newfound wealth can lead them to treat others with disrespect, disregard social norms, and act in ways that are uncharacteristic of their former selves.
One example of this theme can be seen in Dekker's novel "Thr3e," where the protagonist, Kevin Parson, is targeted by a mysterious killer who forces him to confront his own dark secrets. As the story unfolds, Kevin's life becomes increasingly entangled with the pursuit of wealth and power, leading him down a dangerous path that threatens to destroy everything he holds dear. Throughout the novel, Kevin struggles to maintain his moral compass in the face of temptation and greed, ultimately learning that money and power come at a steep price.